The Apple Sisters are back with a special mailroom episode dedicated to the fans! Join Candy, Cora, and Seedy Apple as they answer important listener questions regarding Jesus, Cora's Pieshow, pirate booty, and much more! To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, visit .
It's summertime, and The Apple Sisters are battling seasonal allergies, marine layers, and bad moods to bring you their radio show. The mailroom covers favorite summertime activities, and the ladies bring you a special live performance from the Show Girl Breakfast Buffet. To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, vis... more
May Day! May Day! We're going down... on a new episode of The Apple Sisters! Join Candy, Cora, and Seedy as they celebrate the arrival of May with tips on escaping the mafia and a special live performance. To pick up a copy of their new album, 1943, visit
The Apple Sisters are back from break and promoting their new record '1943'. It's a masterpiece you aren't going to want to miss, but in the mean time, the Apple Sister's have a special April Fool's program for you!
It's December, 1943, and we take you live to Hollywoodland, California, for the Apple Sisters Variety Show, sponsored by Buddy's Bargain Blowout! Enjoy the entire live performance of The Apple Sisters from December 12th, 2011, with appearances from Father Christmas, KXYZ Weatherman Barry O. Metric, and show sponsor Bud... more
Hark! The Apple Sisters sing croon with the Patio singers a heavenly tune. Father Christmas is stopping by for the best part of Christmas is nigh! Gather round and hear this show, as songs and jokes and friends will flow. Candy flirts and Cora swears and Seedy says a special prayer. Hark! The Apple Sisters sing so plea... more
Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Well, even if you aren't walking in a winter wonderland you can treat your ears to a holly jolly time with Candy, Cora, Seedy, and our new friend Barry O'Metric. Join us this week as we continue on our voyage to Christmas!
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a brand new episode of The Apple Sisters! And while this is the time of year for candied yams and candy canes, there is one Candy who is NOT having a holly jolly Christmas! So haul out the holly and have yourself a merry little podcast. This episode is sponsored by ... more
What is there to do between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Well you can go see movies, you can eat leftovers, or you could listen to The Apple Sisters! I think you know which one we recommend. Oh, and don't worry listeners, there is still time to donate to The Apple Sisters' Pledgemusic page! I mean, what else are you g... more
He's finally here! Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself has returned to The Apple Sisters radio show and is ready for a delicious meal, beautiful songs, and a sexy turkey. Will all of the hard work the girls have done this month pay off? Find out by listening in! And as always, feel free to donate whatever rations you can... more
The President is coming! The President is coming! We have so much to do before he gets here! We have to choose topics to discuss with him, catch up on our American history, and we must get Gobbly ready for our big performance! If you want to help us out, you can donate to The Apple Sisters PledgeMusic account and com... more
There's no reason for you to suffer-gette, because we've got a brand new episode of The Apple Sisters for you! Our fellow Americans, if you want more calypso music, silly turkeys, and mail rooms in podcasting, vote for The Apple Sisters! And if you're a woman who can't vote, just give it a listen. That should suffice.
Tis the final day of our Halloween Boosical Spooktacular! Are you ready for the chills, thrills, frights and spooky sights. What about an important message about sisterhood, loyalty, and trust? No? Well how about boys dressing like girls! Spooky scary!
Tonight the girls are performing at the Nerdist Theater, but not before they get some good spooks in on their radio show! It's a freaky Monday over here as the girls encounter some suspicious Frenchmen and explore the dark arts (and each other's bodies). Halloween is upon us, so avoid those awful haunted houses and enj... more
Clear the cobwebs out of your ears, because The Apple Sisters are back and spooky as ever! Between dead crows, the Jack-o'-Lantern Murderer, and Hitler talk in the mail room, this episode is legit! You know what else is legit? Their show at the Nerdist Theater on October 24th! It'll be a treat, so don't miss out!
Double double toil and blisters, this week it gets scary on The Apple Sisters! Candy, Cora, and Seedy are celebrating Halloween in a spooky abandoned mansion. What's the worst that could happen? Something wicked is this way coming and you'll want to hear just what it is on The Apple Sisters Halloween Boosical Spooktacu... more
After five weeks of scary pirates, fierce competitors, mysterious natives, pervy judges, and more, it's time to grab a cocktail and enjoy the thrilling conclusion of our six week Boat Queen adventure. Will they learn how to speak to the natives? Can they get off this scary island? How will the girls ever win their dear... more
With the boat empty and the girls alone, I'm sure we'll be able to avoid trouble this week as we wait patiently for the Boat Queen Pageant. Or will we? Get naked, encounter strange natives, and learn about the mysterious "twitter box" as The Apple Sisters inch ever closer to the Boat Queen crown (and their show tonight... more
We're past the halfway mark on the way to the Boat Queen Pageant. What could possibly happen next? A shipwide mutiny including The Apple Sisters and their fellow Boat Queen competitors? Well, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but, yes, that's exactly what happens. Get your mind off of the stress of your life with toda... more
It's a tear filled episode of The Apple Sisters this week as Candy, Cora, and Seedy encounter two of the scariest sea creatures: Pirates, and beauty pageant competitors! Will all this stress cause the girls to turn on each other? Listen in and find out!
The Apple Sisters join us yet again from the open seas where they are enjoying all the amenities the USS Earwolf has to offer. It's not a cruise without a delicious buffet, but with the Boat Queen Pageant coming up the girls have to be ever watchful of their figures. Tune in your radio dial and enjoy the calamity as we... more
Ahoy there seamen! The Apple Sisters are on a six week voyage overseas on the USS Earwolf and trouble is already brewing! With the Boat Queen Pageant coming up, the girls are certain to encounter nefarious criminals looking to steal the crown and possibly more. Are you ready for music, intrigue, and seasickness? Than l... more
It gets a little hot, sticky, scratchy, and itchy in the studio this week as The Apple Sisters bring you an important message about venereal disease. We're joined by the VD players who help us act out some public service announcements and accompany us into a particularly silly Mail Room. If you or "your friend" suffers... more
In rough economic times one must often sacrifice nonessentials to get by. However, The Apple Sisters are here to show that you can have a great time on a budget and look good too! Master fashionista Margot Honeydew stops by to debut several of her ration-fashion ensembles for the girls. It costs nothing to listen, so t... more
Young ladies can never be too careful! You never know when some big strange man will attack you, or even worse, steal your valuable (and beautiful) jewelry! The Apple Sisters are ready to get in fighting shape this week so as to avoid the fate of their darling cousin Georgia Peach. It's a good thing too, because you ne... more