Been married 40 years today, so thought it'd be a great time to talk about The Way To Happiness - 21 moral precepts that will help you in all your relationships.
Having been in the firearm's business for over 25 years, I'm offering my expertise so you can feel comfortable when buying a firearm.Not that you'd ever need one.........
It's so sad to watch the little drones scamper about with their toxic and worthless masks on. Are they all really Democrats? I think so.Ever wonder how to become a tyrant? Part 1 today.
You won't see this anywhere in the MSM. The PCR test that has been used to destroy the lives of millions of people world-wide has finally been shown as WORTHLESS! It's used ONLY to control the people. The WHO and the CDC have even ordered it
I will talk about a booklet that explains 21 different precepts that, if you use them and demand those around you do as well, you'll live longer, better and have stronger relationships.And your "survivalbility" will go through the roof!
An accumulation of various shows I've done over the years on radiation and nuclear episodes (explosion, meltdown, contamination, etc).Plus, more info you NEED for your future survival. Good luck...
Bit by bit, the Communists in the US have been grinding America's morals, integrity, pride, sanity and responsibility down to their gutter-trash levels. Oh well.