Yesteryear is a magical novel based on the true story of Fran Striker, a struggling radio play scriptwriter who would eventually create The Lone Ranger. Set in Buffalo, New York during the early 1930s, Yesteryear explores the events and magical influences that led to the show’s debut, a show that provided hope to Americans during The Great Depression and made The Lone Ranger and Striker heroes. To write the pilot, Striker needs to overcome writers block, a Gypsy curse, foil a plot to assassinate FDR, deal with an alcoholic midget, and recover stolen diamond rings belonging to an equally alcoholic boxing champion. Populated by characters who lived during that era—radio actor John L. Barrett, Mafioso Stefano Magaddino, former boxing champion Jimmy Slattery, and president-elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt--Yesteryear is written in the same spirit as W.P. Kinsella’s Shoeless Joe, Bernard Malamud’s The Natural, and Daniel Wallace’s Big Fish.
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