Join Kat and Jethro as they uncover the bone-chilling tale of Ed Gein, one of history's most infamous figures. Step into the shadowy depths of Ed Gein's twisted mind, exploring the horrific crimes and shocking discoveries that earned him the title of the "Butcher of Plainfield." Discover the macabre details of his murderous spree; the eerie human remains he transformed into grotesque souvenirs, and the psychological darkness that consumed him. This chilling account of true crime will send shivers down your spine and make you question the depths of human depravity.After the bone-chilling true crime story, let us transport you to the lighter side of the supernatural as we unveil the enigmatic legend of Slattenpatten and her intriguing feature—her extraordinarily large breasts. Join Kat and Jethro as they embark on a journey into folklore, exploring the curious tales surrounding the legendary Slattenpatten. Discover the whimsical stories and myths that have circulated through the ages, delving into the origins, cultural significance, and enduring fascination surrounding this peculiar legend. Prepare to be both amused and bewildered by the peculiar nature of Slattenpatten's tale.Join The Box of Oddities hosts for an unforgettable episode where the dark and light sides of human curiosity intertwine. Delve into the horrifying crimes of Ed Gein and then find solace in the peculiar and lighthearted legend of Slattenpatten. Whether you're drawn to the depths of true crime or yearn for the whimsy of folklore, this episode promises to leave you captivated and craving more. Unlock the secrets behind these two extraordinary topics, offering a fascinating blend of the macabre and the whimsical.
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