I’ve been meaning to write a review for a while now and through tears I am finally getting to the task. For the past two years, I have been faithfully listening to Jennifer Ebeling at The Daily Gardener Podcast after discovering it by accident. I started listening as I walked my three elderly dogs in the Santa Cruz mountains. The botanical history and book reviews were an intellectually stimulating soundtrack as I walked along the rootbound paths surrounded by giant redwood, fir and madrone trees and a treasure of native plants. I started to see my mountains a little bit differently.After losing my beloved Border Collie rescue, Shasta, I walked with my two remaining dogs, Noah, a Lab mix, and Pepper, a Chihuahua mix and took comfort in the stories and melancholy poems Jennifer so lovingly researches and presents. Her calm and clear voice was a salve for my grief.When I lost my little Pepper to cancer in the horrible year that was 2020, Jennifer’s recounting of the lives and losses of botanists long gone helped me feel less alone in my own losses. Her own personal stories made me feel like I had a new friend.As I walk my last old dog, Noah who is now 15 and pass people with their faces covered with masks, I still listen and marvel at the perseverance and resilience of man and nature.Through the death and losses of 2020, through personal tragedy and despair, The Daily Gardener podcast reminds me that life is as fleeting as old flower petals on a windy day and that strength can be found in the love of nature and those who work to protect it in so many subtle and loving ways.