Schools are places for growth and learning.Growth is essential for teachers.Teachers must be learners.This is not something that school leaders can force, but it very is definitely something that leaders can and should nurture.Gerald Mill
What does it look like to shepherd your school?This episode presents a passionate challenge by a board member to school leaders and to board members in particular to take full ownership of their responsibility for the people under their care.
Is an incompetent teacher better than not having a one?We are beginning a new segment focused on staff development and care.In this opening episode, Ken Kauffman speaks from his experience as a teacher, principle, and educational representati
Our rationale, resources, and methodology matter.But what about the students who come to us with such deep brokenness and dysfunction that our best efforts to help them go nowhere unless backwards or in circles? The subject of disorders is hug
A common theme in academic discussions is the curriculum. For our final episode in this segment on academics, we’re looking at this common theme, but with an important distinction.Gerald Miller, teacher and current administrator at Faith Build
We are continuing our segment of episodes addressing particular subject areas.Building a strong reading program is more than helping students with dyslexia. How well is your school doing overall at shaping your students into adults who love re
DescriptionSinging has been an important part of our Anabaptist heritage. But what are the trends of music literacy and quality in your community? Does your school delight in music making? And what is at stake if music education is off track?
We’re beginning a segment of episodes exploring specific topics in the domain of academics. In today’s episode, history teacher Michael Martin explores the foundations of why we include history in our curriculum. We rely on history, which for M
If there is no such thing as a culture-less school, then the question becomes: what is my school’s culture? Is it what you want? And just as importantly, what are you doing to either build it or change it? In this episode, Anthony Hurst brings
In this episode, Gary Miller asks us to take a careful look at our target. We are all aiming at something. Our schools have a target in focus and so does each one of our students. At best, functional and ideal targets are misaligned. At worst,
Kyler and Jaran introduce The Dock School Leader Podcast, talks to inspire and equip Anabaptist school leaders.Find more resources that support teaching and learning at