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The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

A weekly TV and Film podcast

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The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

The Duras Sisters Podcast

A weekly TV and Film podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Episodes of The Duras Sisters Podcast

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Feb 6th, 2025
Episode 14: Prime DirectiveAKA: Purple Picard Has a Lot to Answer ForIs Peanut Hamper actually breaking the Prime Directive? Is Captain Freeman responsible for the death of Barge? How much does nepotism play into Mariner breaking the Prime Directive? Does the comedy of the show take away from the seriousness of inte...


Jan 31st, 2025
Episode 13: Prime DirectiveWhy didn’t Hologram Janeway try harder to stop the kids from breaking the Prime Directive? Is the damage already done to the Enterprizian society? Why didn’t Starfleet send down a negotiator to Solum after first contact? If Starfleet doesn’t have the manpower to make first contact, should t...


Jan 23rd, 2025
Episode 12: Prime DirectiveIs the Superior Wesley Crusher? Why don't the Watchers have stricter rules? Is beaming pre-warp people onto the ship the most Captain thing you can do? Did Picard break the Prime Directive by telling Wells the truth? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we discuss these questions and a few more in o...


Jan 16th, 2025
Episode 11: Prime DirectiveIs the Prime Directive an elitist philosophy? How do you rebuild a society where nobody remembers their own history? Is an asteroid landing on the planet considered “natural development”? What point is Neera trying to make about April’s Prime Directive Breaches? How many times is Pike beami...


Jan 9th, 2025
Episode 10: Prime DirectiveWhy bring phasers to New Eden?! Should the Ten-C develop their own Prime Directive? Would the Klingon war have started whether or not Michael killed T’Kuvma? Should the Denobulans have brought the weather tech in “Whistlespeak”? Should Pike have ordered a mass-evolution on Kaminar? Join Ash...


Jan 1st, 2025
Episode 9: Prime DirectiveWhat procedures did the NX-01 crew already have in place for the Prime Directive before it was a thing? Are T’Pol’s Prime Directive actions questionable in these episodes? Why do people from other cultures always want to live in a pre-warp society? Why did the crew bring down more tech in “Th...


Dec 18th, 2024
Episode 8: Prime DirectiveWhat sets Phlox apart as a non-human on the Enterprise? What happens when you insert human ethics onto a non-human problem? What does Archer learn about the Prime Directive? Should Archer have demoted Trip for his actions in “Cogenitor”? What if Archer had granted the Cogenitor asylum? Join ...


Dec 11th, 2024
Episode 7: Prime DirectiveWas it a good choice for B’Elanna to beam in front of Bronze Age Humans? Are the events of Natural Law Chakotay’s fault? What is the weakest excuse to break the prime directive? Did Janeway break the Prime Directive when she offered technology to the Malon in “Night”? Is waking up the 37s f...


Nov 28th, 2024
Episode 6: Prime DirectiveWhy did Ransom abandon the Prime Directive in the Delta Quadrant? Why was Janeway blind-sided by Ransom? What is a good middle ground between Chakotay and Janeway’s opinions? What would Ransom had done if roles were reversed? Would Janeway and Chakotay have agreed more if this was season 1?...


Nov 19th, 2024
Episode 5: Prime DirectiveWhat does “normal first contact procedures” mean on DS9? Were the Villagers ready to learn that they were holograms? Would Starfleet have chosen to go with Garak’s entire plan during “In The Pale Moonlight”? What is the hierarchy of wartime decisions between the Klingons and Starfleet? How w...


Nov 9th, 2024
Episode 4: Prime DirectiveRated R for Language Why would you ever send someone on a solo away mission? How does the Prime Directive handle spying? Why didn’t the away team ask about the laws in “Justice”? What are the unexpected consequences to “Homeward”? How do they evaluate the people running the duckblind? Join ...


Oct 29th, 2024
Episode 3: Prime DirectiveRated R for Language Is Data breaking the Prime Directive a writing flaw or an indicator he is more human than he thinks? Where was the Picard lecture? Is the Prime Directive broken in “Masterpiece Society”? Who do you agree with most in “Pen Pals”? What are the consequences of saving som...


Oct 21st, 2024
Episode 2: Prime DirectiveRated R for Language Is there a protocol for beaming down next to a new culture in their uniforms? Why does McCoy still use phasers on primitive planets? Is naming a child Leonard James on another planet breaking the prime directive? Should they not beam down at all to planets under the pri...


Oct 9th, 2024
Episode 1: Prime DirectiveWhen was the Prime Directive created? What was your first perception of the Prime Directive? Which Captains are the worst violators? Where does the Prime Directive stop and First Contact Begin? Does anyone really understand the PD? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we discuss the real and fictional...


Oct 3rd, 2024
Series 5: VillainsAre you also sick of the repetitive Soong character storyline? Why is Borgati the Borg Queen in the future when she is 400 years old? Is Agnus still guarding the gates? Is there a hierarchy of villains in season 3? What do Agnes, Janeway, and the Changelings have in common? Ashlyn and Rhianna as the...


Aug 28th, 2024
Episode 10: Art TrekWhat episode titles of Prodigy & Strange New World have literary references? Is the process of putting on a play essential to all living beings? Is there a reason for the ‘Shining’ reference? The Louvre still exists in the 23rd century? Would Shakesphere approve of being discussed in Star Trek? Jo...


Aug 21st, 2024
Episode 9: Art TrekHow does accessibility affect the creation of art? How is the sand mandala at odds with O’Connor’s ascension? Would you take a risk and perform at Jennifer’s Salon? What is Ransom’s art background? What are the easter eggs in the Collector’s Guild? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we discuss the art in L...


Aug 14th, 2024
Episode 8: Art TrekWill we have inescapable popup ads in the future? Does Section 31 Moriarty have rights? Do you also dream of Data painting in a field? Was Data painting a daughter who looked like Lul? Did Bruce Maddox base Doj & Soji after his painting? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we discuss the art in Picard!SPO...


Aug 7th, 2024
Episode 7: Art TrekWhat is the wisdom of Zora choosing a slapstick comedy for the crew to watch? Did Spock draw monsters as way to keep people at bay? Why is Sun Tzu’s "The Art of War" required reading at Starfleet Academy? Should Michael have used gloves to handle the book in the library? How old is the art of stain...


Jul 24th, 2024
Episode 6: Art TrekDid the writers intend to have Trip show them ancient movies or did the production team simply run out of cash? Is movie night an homage to M*A*S*H? Are books making the transition to fully digital in ENT era? Are movies a good way to learn about Human culture? Is escapism sometimes good for moral...


Jul 17th, 2024
Episode 5: Art TrekHow does Janeway help Seven learn the creative process? How does Chaktoay handle his emotions while stranded on New Earth? How can holographic technology be used in art? Was being kidnapped the best thing that happened to holo Da Vinci? How does the Doctor’s struggle for artistic autonomy mirror re...


Jul 10th, 2024
Episode 4: Art TrekHow were the Bajorans Djara artists hired and paid in early Bajoran society? How does art play a role in incarceration? Is it okay for artists to destroy their own art? Does Odo love smut? How does Far Beyond the Stars break the fourth wall? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we dive into the art in Deep Sp...


Jun 25th, 2024
Episode 3: Art TrekThis episode is rated R for language and colorful metaphors.What is the value of an original piece of artwork with replication technology in play? What book would you bring on a long-term space mission? Why did Q choose the Robin Hood story? Why doesn’t Picard act with Data on the Holodeck? Where...


Jun 24th, 2024
Episode 2: Art TrekHow much of the Holonovels are designed by humans vs AI? Do the holostories get upgraded over time? Did Troi play cowboys in the holodeck as a child? Why doesn’t Beverly talk about her dancing? For Data’s parents, how much do they see him as their artwork versus child? Join Ashlyn and Rhianna as we...


Jun 20th, 2024
Special Release: Live from TLI 2024!Join The Duras Sisters at Trek Long Island as they interview Daphne Ashbrook (Melora from DS9), Adele Shepherd (Ensign Kemi on Picard S2), Ursaline Bryant (Captain Tryla Scott from TNG), and Kathryn Leigh Scott (Nuria from TNG) for the Ladies of Star Trek Panel. We look back at the...


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