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The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

Rane Bowen

The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

 2 people rated this podcast
The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

Rane Bowen

The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

Rane Bowen

The Flow Artists Podcast by Garden of Yoga

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Rane is a yoga and meditation teacher and a stomach cancer survivor. He is a co-host of The Flow Artists podcast, and he loves you very much.


Jo Stewart discovered yoga while studying Visual Art at RMIT in 1998, and since then she has found that practising meditation and yoga helps her enjoy living and creating to her full potential.Jo has been teaching for over 15 years and runs her own Melbourne studio, where she teaches Antigravity Aerial Yoga, Pilates, and Yin and Vinyasa classes to small groups. She is a level 3 Senior teacher with Yoga Australia.Jo’s creative approach adapts to each client's individual needs. She also loves bringing yoga out of the studio and into the world, teaching on community programs, at festivals and sharing her meditations online.Jo is a co-host of The Flow Artists Podcast


Matthew Remski is a yoga student, instructor, and therapist. He currently trains yoga instructors.He has co-directed Yoga Festival Toronto and Yoga Community Toronto. He has written eight books, including poetry and fiction. His book "Threads of Yoga: A Remix of Patanjali’s Sutras with Commentary and Reverie," was published in 2012. His most recent book, "Practice and All is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics, and Healing in Yoga and Beyond," was published in 2019.

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