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The Gathering Dawn

Myth Makers

The Gathering Dawn

A Hobbies and Games podcast

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The Gathering Dawn

Myth Makers

The Gathering Dawn

The Gathering Dawn

Myth Makers

The Gathering Dawn

A Hobbies and Games podcast
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An actual play podcast, follows the story of two Dungeons and Dragons group set in the world of Exandria

The Gauntlet of Honor and The Circle of the Unbound are two parties locked in an epic struggle for the future of Exandria. The Gauntlet of Honor fights to preserve the divine order, believing the gods are essential to the world’s balance. Meanwhile, the Circle of the Unbound, led by the shadowy wizard Miraven Kunno, seeks to break the gods’ control, claiming that only through their downfall can mortals ascend to their true potential.

Miraven has tasked the Circle—Nausikaa, Narder Mythey, Zrafarn Gankoth, and Yeslana—with a dangerous mission: infiltrate the Platinum Sanctuary in Vasselheim and steal an ancient geode of immense power from the Cobalt Vaults. This artifact holds the key to a ritual that could reshape the very fabric of existence.

On the opposing side, Alistair Dax, Shellburt, and Sylas Styx lead the Gauntlet of Honor, sworn to stop the Circle’s plans and protect the balance between mortals and gods. As old friendships fracture and new alliances form, the fate of Exandria hangs in the balance.

We’re live at 6 pm EST every Saturday on the Legion of Gamers discord:https://discord.gg/fEHEN9cS

Cast:Circle of the Unbound:Narder Mythey, Human Artificer played by JediNausikaa, Centaur Ranger played by SpectralZrafarn Gankoth, Dragonborn Barbarian played by DoboYeslana, Elf Sorcerer played by Katalynn

Gauntlet of Honor:Alistair Dax, Human Fighter played by NickShellburt, Tortle Warlock played by NadoSylas Styx, Elf Cleric played by Wyld

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Podcast Details

Created by
Myth Makers
Podcast Status
Oct 27th, 2024
Latest Episode
Dec 11th, 2024
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 4 hours

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