"Thou shalt not be thy own worst enemy" GCP 1:1
The first episode of The Goddess Code podcast, hosted by Soulstress.
Today's scripture comes from "You Are A Bad-Ass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living An Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero. She writes "Most people are living in an illusion based on someone else's beliefs...We throw a wet blanket of ho-hummery over our lives when we live in fear of what others might think, instead of in celebration of who we are".
A message from me to you, and a great message to preface the show.
All merchandise and gifts with "Thou Shalt Not Be Thy Own Worst Enemy" design are available now on www.thesoulstress.com/thegoddesscode! Also all note recaps, blog posts and more are on-site. Be sure to subscribe, share and comment to spread the word about the show. Visit my shop now for all things Soulstress and Goddess Code! Until next time, stay beautiful Goddesses! xoxo.
@thesoulstress | www.thesoulstress.com |
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