The series of “Haunted Halls of WVU” is coming to a close, but the hundreds of stories of Morgantown’s history will live on forever. In this week’s episode, SeVohn Hunter sits down with the voice of “Haunted Halls of WVU, ”Jason Burns, to learn
The Downtown Campus Library holds more than just books. Not many have seen what lies beyond the shelves, but if they have, it's only just a glimpse. The newest episode of the Haunted Halls of WVU features not one, but two spirits. Jason Burns,
Have you ever heard the faint sound of a cow mooing near Woodburn Hall? Well, you aren't the only one. Soon after the birth of West Virginia University, a prank that went wrong left behind one of the strangest ghosts on the WVU downtown campus.
The story of the little girl in the yellow dress has been shared by many on the WVU campus. She spends her time on the second floor of the Mountainlair as a way to remember her happiest days. Though her floating figure may frighten a few, her y
Few may know the story behind the name E. Moore Hall. Elizabeth Moore was the principal of the Woodburn Female Seminary more than 150 years ago. She was known by many as a brave and courageous woman who valued education and was a consultant for
In the coming weeks, you’ll learn about Elizabeth Moore, the late principal of the Woodburn Female Seminary whose presence on campus was so strong in life, she still lingers today in the building bearing her name. Or Sally, a little girl who di