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The Innovative Founder

Bob Regnerus

The Innovative Founder

A weekly Business, Entrepreneur, Careers and Education podcast

 4 people rated this podcast
The Innovative Founder

Bob Regnerus

The Innovative Founder

The Innovative Founder

Bob Regnerus

The Innovative Founder

A weekly Business, Entrepreneur, Careers and Education podcast
 4 people rated this podcast
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Enjoyed hearing the great voice of Susan Berkley share 'out of this world' stories with a sublime energy that can lead us to wisdom. Thank you, Bob. You made it all air-able.
They have an uncanny ability to simply and naturally draw out the essence.
Susan Berkley was incredible. Fun, engaging, amazing stories and background and pertinent to my life. I typically multitask when listening to a podcast but I found myself sitting and listening with intent and purpose. Thanks for a great podcast with an excellent interviewee! Awesome!
Very enlightening. Great to hear of Susan's background. She also offered lots of pithy points for living.
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