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The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

A weekly Arts and Food podcast

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The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

The Jazzy Vegetarian

A weekly Arts and Food podcast
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It's time to jazz up your weekly menu with 3-time Taste Award winning television and radio host, Laura Theodore, the Jazzy Vegetarian! Jazzy Vegetarian Radio focuses on healthy, tasty recipes, eco-entertaining tips, celebrity interviews, and upbeat music, served up with a bit of fun on the side! Each show speaks to health conscious people of all ages, by reaching out to vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike, who are seeking plant-based food choices. Tune in to Jazzy Vegetarian on National Public Television (check your local listings), featuring 88 half-hour episodes serving up mouthwatering, easy-to-prepare vegan menus for anybody looking for delicious, nutritious food.

Laura Theodore is a TASTE award-winning, recognized public television personality, cookbook author and vegan chef. Laura is the on-camera host of the highly successful, award-winning, Jazzy Vegetarian vegan cooking series on public television. Ms. Theodore is author of four vegan cookbooks and she has been featured on The Talk on CBS, Insider/Entertainment Tonight (HBO Red Carpet), News 4-NBC, Fox News 8, The Better Show and the WCBS Radio Health & Wellbeing Report. In print, she has been featured in the New York Times, New York Daily News, VegNews, Family Circle, Readers Digest, PBS Food, Mother Earth Living, and Healthy Aging, among other highly respected news, food and lifestyle-related journals. Laura’s popular PBS show, Jazzy Vegetarian, was awarded a TASTE Award for Best Health and Fitness Program (Food and Diet).

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Podcast Details

Created by
The Jazzy Vegetarian
Podcast Status
Jun 30th, 2010
Latest Episode
Nov 29th, 2017
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
34 minutes

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