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The Love Approach Project

Laura Gutierrez

The Love Approach Project

A weekly Health, Fitness and Alternative Health podcast featuring Laura Gutierrez

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The Love Approach Project

Laura Gutierrez

The Love Approach Project

The Love Approach Project

Laura Gutierrez

The Love Approach Project

A weekly Health, Fitness and Alternative Health podcast featuring Laura Gutierrez
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Jun 30th, 2023
Uncertainty... the constant in our lives. We need it, but it can be one of the hardest things to navigate in life, especially if you don't have the tools to do so. In this episode you be learning what uncertainty can look like and how to navigate it. I hope this information lights you up, and help you become aware of ...
Jun 1st, 2023
There are times in which we feel disconnected, from our own heart and wisdom, and from others. And that's ok. That's part of the natural ups and downs we experience as human beings. Nevertheless, those moments are also invitations to drop in, focus on the breath and let everything come back into place. It is my hope t...
May 18th, 2023
Raise your hand if you have had a tricky relationship with making mistakes. I have! Mistakes are usually associated with failure, with having done things wrong, yet, without them we wouldn't grow! Mistakes keep us moving towards the direction we envision, and with awareness and curiosity we can turn them into great al...
May 3rd, 2023
Welcome my dear friend and listener! Congrats for being here and making time for you! These are 10min that can make your 24hr day an amazing one!Today I bring you an exercise with two parts. The first is designed to clear your energy and mind, and the second one to help you relax. So, bring those headphones on and l...
Apr 19th, 2023
We have all wished at some point in our lives that someone rescues us from our pain, our sorrows, or even our mistakes. And we wait and wait, until we realise that we are the ones who rescue ourselves. We do it as we take charge and responsibility for our decisions, for our actions or inactions. We are the ones who mak...
Apr 3rd, 2023
Welcome back amazing YOU! ;) Hope you've been busy breathing and reflecting upon life, and upon what this human experience is all about! Did you get to listen to the last episode on Eckhart Tolle? If not, please go and check it out! Actually, let's focus on today's breath and sound episode first! Today you are going to...
Mar 20th, 2023
Last Saturday I had the chance, perhaps a once in a lifetime chance, of seeing Eckhart Tolle live in Sydney. And to summarise it, it was an experience of presence, of learning to be right here, right now. Nonetheless, the teacher's pet in me (haha) had to take notes, mainly because some of those nuggets of wisdom need ...
Mar 6th, 2023
Happy new day to you!So, here we are! It's been a month since our first Breath & Sound Session and today I bring you a session that will help you connect to your heart, smile AND experience deep relaxation. I hope you enjoy it! Ps. I also worked on the quality of the sound for a better experience for you, please let ...
Feb 20th, 2023
Did you know that we are all wired to judge? Yep. We judge ourselves, others, and even our experiences. Interesting, isn't it? And the most interesting thing is that we can use judgement for our benefit or for our detriment. So, how to focus on using that innate need to judge to help us have a more fulfilling human ex...
Feb 6th, 2023
Hellooo amazing listener!Thank you for being here! I've been receiving some feedback about people looking for practical exercises to be able to relax and calm the mind. And so, that got me thinking, why don't I share some with you here, in the podcast? Right?? ;)So, from today, I'll be posting a 10-15min Breathing ex...
Jan 23rd, 2023
And we are back with a new season!! Wow, what a ride it's been since I last met you here. Lots has happened and I can't wait to share with you the insights, learning and info that I am sure can help you in your journey to fulfilment. Yay!So, let's start! Here's Episode #63, fresh from the oven! ;)Is being busy and ov...
Jun 7th, 2021
Wow! What a wonderful second season we’ve had! Today’s episode is the last one in this series of ‘Love in Times of Uncertainty’ where 12 wonderful experts shared with us their wisdom and expertise on how to best deal with stress and uncertainty in our ever changing world.To end this season on a high note, we are closi...
May 24th, 2021
In this very interesting and practical interview with Chilean Acupuncturist & Remedial Massage Therapist, Pamela Epul, currently based in Sydney, we talk about the uniqueness of our being and how that is reflected in the type of treatments and medicine each one of us needs in order to maintain our health and prevent di...
May 10th, 2021
Have you ever asked yourself where your beliefs come from? How come you believe what you believe and the impact that has on how you perceive the world?Today we have a wonderful guest, Mariana Ardelean, Mindset Consultant and author of the best seller “Your Time is Now”. Mariana, takes us on a journey of learning and u...
Apr 26th, 2021
It is during times of uncertainty and stress that we tend to disconnect from us, and wonder off into the realms of overwhelm, burn out, anxiety, and much more. However, no matter how lost we’ve felt, there are always different ways, paths, that can help us ‘come back home’.In this episode, Em Cruickshank, Yin Yoga and...
Sep 21st, 2020
Our nervous system is intimately related to our stress response, this is why taking care of it can help us prevent the negative effects that stress and tension can have in our body and mind, and help us reverse unhelpful habits that aren’t contributing to our overall wellbeing.In this interview, Dr. Andrew Callister -...
Sep 13th, 2020
Have you ever wondered what the effect of your current habits and routines can have in your present and future health? I guess sometimes we get to this questions after we have gotten sick, or feel unwell.However, we don’t need to get to that point, because we can become aware now of what practices are not serving us, ...
Aug 31st, 2020
Sleep. Oh my! Such an important topic. And yet many of us disregarded it. Did you know that 30% of the population of the world suffers from a sleep related disorder or insomnia? Yeah, it's a reality. And the thing is that when we don't sleep well, our health is affected.So, let me ask you, are you actually sleeping we...
Aug 23rd, 2020
How often do you check in with yourself during day about the words you’ve been using and how you’ve been using them? Not many, right? Well, that’s ok, because today we are going to show you how easy and powerful it can be to pay attention to them!In this conversation with Veronica Sanchez, Life & Spiritual mentor, Cer...
Aug 17th, 2020
Our current global situation is calling us to learn more strategies to manage stress in different ways. During this time we are being given the opportunity to get to know ourselves better and to bring awareness to how we are responding and reacting to what is happening around us, call it a pandemic or having to work fr...
Aug 9th, 2020
If you are a parent, or a person who cares for children, this episode is for you! In fact, I would say, it’s for all of us. Why? Well, because we all, adults and children, are having a heightened experience of uncertainty right now , and it’s key we learn how to manage it, especially if we have kids in our care.As adu...
Aug 2nd, 2020
Stress can show up in different ways for each one of us. For some, the response can be physical, for others, it can be more emotional or mental. Regardless of how it manifests, it’s important that we have tools at our hands to be able to manage it and to bring our being back to harmony. And this where aromatherapy and ...
Jul 27th, 2020
Welcome to our Second Season together and to episode No. 50!For the next 12 weeks, I will be sharing with you the interviews from my recent summit ‘Love in times of uncertainty’, in which we focused on bringing you lots of wisdom and empowering resources to support you in staying healthy, calm and centred during chall...
Jul 20th, 2020
This week marks the end of the first season of The Love Approach Project Podcast. OMG! It’s amazing to think it’s been 49 episodes already; that means 49 weeks together and many amazing guests and insights shared! Yay!So, I thought I would share with you a guided meditation exercise to close this first season, and to ...
Jul 13th, 2020
Sometimes we can be prey to our emotions. More specifically, to our emotional reactions. We swing like a pendulum between the highs and the lows of our emotions, and we just simply don’t have control over them. This can actually cause a lot of stress in us, and can lead to feeling powerless and to have poor interaction...
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