Really really good podcast, extremely addictive, I've binge-listened to it in a few days.It has some flaws, hence it is "only" 4 stars for me, not 5.Here's my review.The story is a re-imagination and re-telling of some of H.P. Lovecraft's works, mixed with original concepts and new plotlines. I read some of Lovecraft's works and I liked them, but it was a long time ago and I'm no expert, so I was able to catch only the most obvious references, I'm sure that the true fans will find and enjoy many more hidden callbacks and Easter eggs.I really like the idea of a podcast about a fake podcast, because it gives the writers the opportunity to make some clever and funny self-parody of the media. It's very well done, and at some point in s. 1 I actually wondered "is this real...? or not?".I had some issues with the plot: I think season 1 (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) is the best, because the plot is more straightforward and focused, and also it has very good jumpscares and moments of tension.Going forward, though, the plot keeps getting more and more complicated, not much gets fully explained because they keep adding new layers of mystery, and I didn't like the fact that they conceived this world-wide conspiracy that would basically explain all of human history (I rolled my eyes at the inevitable Nazi reference). The plot gets so complicated that there's a character (Dr Eleanor Peck) who's tasked to deliver all the necessary, but endless and, quite frankly, boring, infodumps to the listener, and every time she starts one of her monologues the episode comes to a grinding halt. Less of her in Season 4*, please.In this, there is maybe an intent of parody of today's malicious and dangerous conspiracy theories, but if that's the case it's too subtle to be really funny (there are bits of comedy mixed with the horror, especially in seasons 2 and 3, but it seems that this super powerful cult society is meant to be taken seriously).A lot (and I mean A LOT) of the twists rely a bit too much on the revelation that "character X is not who they say they are and suddenly switches sides"): it is shocking the first few times, at the 10th iteration of the theme it just gets repetitive and in the end meaningless (and I thought that the SPOILER................................................................... Matthew/Melody team was fun, why they had to abort it almost immediately?).But you want to know what I LOVED about this podcast? The 2 main characters. They're just amazing, the chemistry is perfect, and the 2 actors (Barnaby Kay and Jana Carpenter) are simply great. I fell in love with Matthew and Kennedy completely. I actually regret the fact that for most of the series these 2 characters are in different places, investigating on different threads of the case, and they mostly speak on the phone: it's a pity because I would have loved more scenes with the 2 of them together (at their favorite cafe, or like at the start of season 2 at Henry's house).The rest of the cast is ok too, but these 2 are something else, I would welcome a prequel series for the "Mystery Machine" cases any day.The universe in which this podcast is set includes other stories (you can find a list here ) that are loosely connected or referenced in passing in this one: I've read from the web that it's not necessary to listen to them all to understand the plot of the Lovecraft's Investigations (personally I'm not interested, I care only about Matthew and Kennedy's story), but other listeners might enjoy diving more deeply into the mythology.So in conclusion I think a more straightforward plot would have been better, but I enjoyed this podcast very very much, excellent production values and amazing characters.* After an hyatus of a few years, a season 4 has recently been officially announced, coming in 2023.