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The Meeting House Video

The Meeting House

The Meeting House Video

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast

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The Meeting House Video

The Meeting House

The Meeting House Video

The Meeting House Video

The Meeting House

The Meeting House Video

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast
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Mark All
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But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. - Acts 20:24
Jesus teaches us what to do WHEN we give, and WHEN we pray.
Jesus is the new Moses, and his teaching is the new Torah.
In essence Sabbath is a day set aside to PRAY and PLAY.
We don’t need to be perfect to share our faith - actually it’s better that we aren’t.
As with other practices, healthy spiritual friendships start with us and God.
The written word points us to the living Word.
When you Share joy and generosity - you find more of it yourself.
You don't have to become a monk to quiet your heart and listen to God.
Why does God want us to fast when nachos exist?
Spiritual Practices are not the goal - they are tools along the way.
What does a Spirit-led church look like?
How can we be a people who seek to live in peace and reconciliation?
Compassion is a crucial part of how we walk out the way of Jesus, moving us towards the needs of others, and transforming us as we go.
"... This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth." - 1 Timothy 3:15
“Start with the Spirit and always end with Jesus.”
If you remember nothing else from today, remember: The gospel is good news, the gospel goes, the gospel is grace.
It’s not what anyone expected, but better than anyone could imagine...
How remembering and repentance can (re)ignite spiritual passion.
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