A rum drink in your hand, a pu-pu platter of fried delights in front of you, tropical music, fern wallpaper...what could be messy about tiki bars? More than you might think.
My guest is Mariah Kunkel, a spirits marketing pro of indigenous Chamorro heritage and founder of Pasifika Project, a hospitality and spirits industry focused organization that is dedicated to the support and promotion of individuals of Pacific Islander descent, and aims to provide a much-needed platform for voices within the trade on Oceanic cultures and causes.
Pasifika Project: https://www.pasifikaproject.com/
Brooklyn Gin: http://www.brooklyngin.com/
Banhez Mezcal: https://www.banhezmezcal.com/
Banhez Mezcal Oaxacan Futures program: http://tenangrypitbulls.com/ejutla
Dia del Mezcalero: https://www.diadelmezcalero.com/
Doom Tiki: https://www.instagram.com/doomtikinyc/
Chamorro restaurant Prubechu: https://www.prubechu.com/
King Tai: http://www.kingtaibar.com/
White supremacists and Hawaiian shirts: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-the-extremist-boogaloo-boys-wear-hawaiian-shirts-11591635085
All about Your Fave Is Problematic: https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/mvnkpv/brief-look-back-at-your-fave-is-problematic
Theme music: Upbeat Forever by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5011-upbeat-forever
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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