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Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Released Friday, 31st July 2020
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Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Episode 4: Amethyst Ganaway on the Baggage of "Southern" Food

Friday, 31st July 2020
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Born and raised in North Charleston, S.C., Amethyst Ganaway has been working as a chef for more than 10 years, and she’s recently started sharing her knowledge as a food writer as well.

On this episode, Amethyst and I talk about who decides what’s “Southern,” a recent shake-up in the influential Southern Foodways Alliance organization and her experiences as one of comparatively few Black women working in restaurant kitchens.

Amethyst’s website: https://www.geecheegordita.com/
Follow Amethyst @ExcuseMyFly on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExcuseMyFly
Oxford Food Symposium: https://www.oxfordsymposium.org.uk/
The New York Times’ Southern Foodways Alliance story: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/29/dining/john-t-edge-southern-foodways-alliance.html?searchResultPosition=1
Who Owns Southern Food? by Tunde Wey & John T. Edge: https://www.oxfordamerican.org/magazine/item/870-who-owns-southern-food
Dr. Cynthia Greenlee: https://www.cynthiagreenlee.com/
Gullah Gourmet: https://www.gullahgourmet.com/
Geechie Boy grits: https://geechieboymill.com/
Amethyst’s latest story, for Food & Wine: https://www.foodandwine.com/news/black-communities-food-as-protest
Chef Mashama Bailey’s foie gras and grits come from her restaurant The Grey in Savannah, Ga.: https://thegreyrestaurant.com/

Theme music: Upbeat Forever by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5011-upbeat-forever
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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