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Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Released Wednesday, 28th September 2022
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Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Healing with Sandplay, Sandtray, IFS, EMDR, and Polyvagal with Dr. Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP

Wednesday, 28th September 2022
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Peg Hurley Dawson, Ph.D., LMHC, CSTS, RSP is certified in Sex therapy, IFS, EMDR, Clinical Hypnosis, trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Relational Life Therapy, Sandtray, Sandplay, Polyvagal Theory, is a Sex Therapy Supervisor and Registered Sandplay Practitioner. She specializes in treating individuals, couples, LGBTQ, Out of Control Sexual Behavior/"sex addiction", complex trauma, PTSD, sex and relationship issues, and gender identity.  Working with adults she utilizes Deepening IFS using Sandtray with Miniatures to help them heal through visual representations of their parts.

While utilizing and combining techniques from many psychological modalities and working with Sandtray and Miniatures for over 15 years she has helped clients with a variety of health care issues which she deals with in an informed and compassionate way. Peg offers an unique multifaceted approach to help her clients. 

www.ifssandtray.com www.integratedsandtherapy.com


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