In this episode, we will cover Section II, Part B: The President’s Conduct Concerning the Investigation of Michael Flynn. General Michael Flynn (whose stint as Trump’s first National Security Advisor lasted less barely three weeks, pleaded guil
We're about to begin the longest section of Volume II--Section II: Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. It covers more than 150 pages and is itself divided into twelve parts A through L.This episode will cover Part A: The Campaign
This brief section introduces us to the principles behind the obstruction-of-justice investigation into Donald Trump. It outlines the components of an obstruction-of-justice crime--the various actions and the intent behind those actionsNext it
Today’s episode will launch us into Volume II of the Report on the Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. This is the part of the investigation that focuses on the obstruction-of-justice investigation into Do
This episode cover the entirety of the final section of Volume I of the Mueller Report--Section V: Prosecution and Declination Decisions.Briefly recapping the material covered in prior sections, the volume concludes with discussion and explan
Episode 10 will cover the second part of and conclude the seemingly never-ending Section IV "Russian Government Links to and Contacts with the Trump Campaign."Part A covered all contact between the Trump campaign and Russian during the campai
This ninth episode is the fourth to cover the first half of Section IV--the portion of the report which describes the many and varied connections between members of the Trump Campaign and the Russian government . . . during the campaign period.
This episode of The Mueller Report: A Reading brings us a bit closer to the end of Volume I of the Special Counsel’s report, continuing to cover Section IV of that volume, Russian Government Links to and Contacts with the Trump Campaign.This n
This episode is part two of several needed to cover Volume I, Section IV of the Mueller Report, which is entitled “Russian Government Links to and Contacts with the Trump Campaign.”Today’s narration will cover Section A, Part 3, Carter Page, a
Volume I, Section IV of the Mueller Report--"Russian Government Links to and Contacts with the Trump Campaign" explores the events and connections between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. A very lengthy and very dense section, its
This episode concludes Section III of Volume I of the Mueller Report: "Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations." Narration of this episode will cover the second half of the section, which is comprised of the fourth and final subsection D: "Trump
This episode, Episode 5, Part I, will cover sections A, B, and C, which are respectively subtitled: “GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign”, “Dissemination of the Hacked Materials”, and “Additional GRU Cyber Operations”. These three sect
This episode begins to explore the findings of Russia's social media campaign within the United States and how it interfered with U.S. political discourse during the 2016 presidential election.
This section of the Mueller Report provides us with information on the genesis of the investigation, the scope of the Special Counsel's mandate, and the structure and procedures of the Office of the Special Counsel.
The Special Counsel lays out the contents of Volume I of the Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election. The Summary is divided into sections covering the Russian Social Media Campaign, the Russian H