Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. In this episode the boys are recalling the first 2 days of the 2020 Deer Rifle Season, also known as "opening weekend." Usually, deer die this time of year, but at the Narrow Gate things were a litt... more
Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. In this episode the guys are excited to share stories about taking their kids hunting. They vent their frustrations about the Narrow Gate tractor and the tumultuous relationship Rob and her have t... more
Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. In this episode the boys are excited about all of the wild berries they consumed on the Narrow Gate farm, and survived! Giant birds rain down grape vines on the farm. The Autumn Olive is edible, be... more
Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. Where do Dave and Dan get their nicknames "Big Papa" and "Little Papa?" Is it a matter of inseam measurements or the waistline? Garth Brooks: future Pack Hunter Podcast Contributor? The Pack Hun... more
Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. In this episode the guys get going talking about their breakfast while at the Narrow Gate Farm during a work weekend. Rob talks about why they are doing the podcast: preserving their stories for th... more
Meet The Pack Hunters! These hunting buddies are excited to slide over and make room for one more around the camp fire. In this episode the guys get a little hung up by reminiscing and drooling over recent wild game recipes, but then settle in to discuss how they got into hunting. Mike confesses his adult-onset passi... more