#wilder #fury #wildervsfury3 #wilderfurytrilogy We are here just to give our feedback on Tyson Fury Deontay Wilder trilogy before the fight. Wilder versus fury III it’s a trilogy that most are saying will turn out another TKO leaving wilder with another bloody nose busted ear drum and them Wobbly weak stick figure... more
#blackmenwhodiedin2021 #comediananthonyjohnson #michaelkwilliamsEpisode #40 50 and fighting - Is age 50 the new life span for a black man - Holyfield's Side BitchTopics on tonight’s episode include black men are dying in their fifties. Holyfield made a comeback, Vitor Belfort is way too young to be fighting Evander... more
#jordanskopp #baseball #nonets Sign the Petition link below:TO REPEAL THE BASEBALL RULE https://www.foulballsafetynow.com25, 2018. Linda Goldbloom, a longtime Dodgers fan, died four days later of “acute intracranial hemorrhage due to a history of blunt force trauma,” becoming the first fan to die after being hit b... more
#asswhooping #beating #childabuse TRUP Episode #38 Old Fashion Ass Whooping is what this generation needs Spare the rod spoil the childThe Real and Unapologetic Podcast a.k.a The Real U Podcast a.k.a TRUP appreciates all of our viewers and subscribers and hopes to turn each viewer into a subscriber. We have worke... more
#serialdating #cheatingpartner #3cardmonteTRUP episode #37 Do you agree with serial dating? Men want credit for not sleeping with every woman they meet. The 3 car monte Men and women should be honest about their true feelings instead of leading someone on. Say what you mean means what you say in every relationsh... more
#howimetronjeremy #womenrapemenmenrapewomen #isshewrongforputtingherselfaroundtendudeslatenight0:00 Show opening 2:20 We open discussion on gossiping3:50 Episode #36 topics start with gossip 16:53 Johnny two shoes 21:50 R Kelly tour manager states the singer blew up at him when he didn’t book a female tour guid... more
#LGBT #thegirlthatcriedwolf #wearetheworld#whenwillblackpeoplegetanapology #copkiller #copsshootblacks #trump #republicans #democrats #thegaycommunityneedstobediscreetTheRealUPodcast Episode #35 - Do women cry wolf? Is LGBT trying to push their agenda on all of us? The Real and Unapologetic Podcast a.k.a The Real ... more
#nooneowesyouanything #hardwork #dedicattion #practice #gohard@TheRealUPodcast Episode #34 No one owes you anything - Do you think the people in your life owe you something? The only person that owes you is you. You owe you. If you don’t like what you are seeing in your life then change it. The Real and Unapologeti... more
#Whatyoubelieveaboutyourselfisyourreality #whatyouthinkiswhatyoubecomeTRUP Episode #33 Is #Manifestation, real? Do you believe in manifestation? What you believe about yourself is your reality. We become what we think about. The Real and Unapologetic Podcast a.k.a The Real U Podcast a.k.a TRUP appreciates all of ou... more
#dating #menversuswomen #oldschooldating #newschooldating #interracialdating #podcast@TheRealUPodcast Episode #31 Men and Women Secrets Revealed Part 2
#reparations, #blacklives, #slavery, #cottongin, #nyc, #streetsofnyc@TheRealUPodcast Episode #30 What Was Robbed Must Be Repaid IG: https://www.instagram.com/therealupodcast
"Stop trying and start doing Trying leaves you with excuses Doing gives you answers"- Sharif DysonIG: https://www.instagram.com/therealupodcast@TheRealUPodcast Episode #29 What type of mentality do you need to have in order to succeed? The unapologetic Rif and The Real Cee discuss what type of mentality is nee... more
@TheRealUPodcast Episode #28 Sacrifice #Sacrifice #Money #DrBrown #TuskRants, The Real Take, FUOTD, and GTFOH have been postponed until a later date.IG Handle: https://www.instagram/therealupodcastThe Real and Unapologetic Podcast #281. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Int... more
The Real and Unapologetic Podcast #271. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Featured Product: Oculus Quest Next-level Hardware - Make every move count with a blazing-fast processor and our highest-resolution display All-In-One Gaming - With backward compatibility, you can e... more
The Real and Unapologetic Podcast #261. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic IntroToday’s Topic: Why is being Black considered a crime in America?Guests: Rodman Jones and David Ralik Hopper (author of Moments: Writings, Thoughts andLetters of a 2X Felon)Closing remarks, thank the aud... more
The Real and Unapologetic Podcast #251. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Featured Product: Hydrow Rowing Machine A completely re-engineered rowing machine withpatented technology, making each stroke feel like you’re out on the water. Hydrow’s brilliant 22”touchscreen displa... more
R&U Episode #24 The Show About NothingThe Real and Unapologetic Podcast #241. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Featured Product: YuJet Electric Jetboard Want to go surfing on the open water, but lack thewaves? Or just want to jetski, but hate having handles to keep your ba... more
R&U Episode #23 Topic: Think Like a man act like a ladyThe Real and Unapologetic Podcast #231. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Segue: Host intros, small talk3. The Rant: Yo Rif! What got on your nerves this week? 3 mins each4. Today’s Topic: Think Like a man act like a ... more
R&U Episode #22 This history of curse wordsThe Real and Unapologetic Podcast #221. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Segue: Host intros, small talk3. The Rant: Yo Rif! What got on your nerves this week? 3 mins each4. Today’s Topic: The history of curse wordsA. The histo... more
R&U Episode #20 Meet your mark 2The Real and Unapologetic Podcast #201. Opening: Real and Unapologetic Jingle/Music, Real and Unapologetic Intro2. Segue: Host intros, small talk3. The Rant: Yo Rif! What got on your nerves this week? 4. Today’s Topic: Meeting your mark #2A. Goal setting is a never-ending process... more