#wilder #fury #wildervsfury3 #wilderfurytrilogy
We are here just to give our feedback on Tyson Fury Deontay Wilder trilogy before the fight.
Wilder versus fury III it’s a trilogy that most are saying will turn out another TKO leaving wilder with another bloody nose busted ear drum and them Wobbly weak stick figure legs. Can wilder do it? Can he change the minds of the spectators, commentators and boxing’s educators? One of the biggest events this year. I mean we haven’t had another big events like this. Honestly these events have been on some shit watching white guys dominate black guys. I’m going to say this To the champ. Wilder this fight is riding on you I am tired of watching this. I know fury is a big fucker weighing in at 271 lbs and you at 231 and also towering over you an additional 2-3 inches.
My thoughts on who’s going to win. Are: if fury comes out in round 1 using the same exact tactics that he used in part two and wilder has no defensive technique to respond back with it’s a wrap and history will repeat itself.
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