Welcome to The Rebuilt Man, I’m Coach Frank, founder of Rebuilt Recovery and we exist here to help you become a better man, by quitting porn, and rebuilding your life. My life changed in 2019 when I finally found freedom from a 20+ year addiction to pornography, and I’ve made it my mission since that day to help other men, just like me & you, find the freedom you deserve.
Join us and jump onboard as we provide daily tips and insights to build the necessary mindset to achieve greatness, as well as practical steps to get to the root of our addiction and build a life where pornography is no longer an option.
I believe men are called to greatness in this life, and it starts with learning to control our sexual desires.
Gentlemen, let’s get ready to Rebuild Your LIfe and become the man God has called you to be.
Welcome to The Rebuilt Man
Let’s get in to today’s episode
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