Captains & LeadersIs there something to the idea that the leaders in Star Trek, the men and women sitting in the Captain's or Commander's chairs, are either designed to or by default, represent our leaders in society beyond the series?James T. Kirk was born in the Johnson Administration of the mid-1960's but his swagge... more
The Outcast, Rejoined and LGBTQ Representation.For Pride month in June, Jessie Earl's Nerd Out show for called 'Star Trek's Accidental Transgender Episode' talked about TNG Season 5's 'The Outcast', in which Will Riker falls in love with Soren, a member of the androgynous J'nai species who the Enterprise arri... more
The Dominion War and the Gulf War.In early 1990, Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime launched a ground invasion on the sovereign state of Kuwait which was quickly condemned in an almost unilateral international response, led by the United States of America, leading to Operation Desert Storm - the first ground war in history ... more
Smithian & Marxian Star Trek & economics.In the late 18th century, British thinker Adam Smith cemented himself in history as the first true 'economist', developing theories about personal capital that helped define the Industrial Revolution and the Western world's steady march toward a capitalist society. A century lat... more
Far Beyond the Stars, George Floyd & American racial politicsAmidst the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, a Minnesotan police officer named Derek Chauvin arrested George Floyd, a 46 year old black man who was carrying a counterfeit twenty dollar bill, kneeling on his head long enough to cause injuries so severe Mr Floyd later... more
Welcome to the first episode of THE SANCTUARY, a Star Trek Politics & Economics Podcast.Star Trek: The Original Series debuted in 1966 amidst a decade that served as a powder keg of political and racial tension, much of the former built around US intervention in Vietnam, with the country drawn into a bloody, intractabl... more