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The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

Dylan Kornberg

The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

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The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

Dylan Kornberg

The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

Dylan Kornberg

The Seminal Catastrophe Podcast

A weekly Education and History podcast
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So no, I didn't die or anything. And better yet, I'm back! First, a bit of catchup.Support the show
Happy (late...) Halloween!Sources: Hart, Peter. The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.Herwig, Holger H. The First World War: Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918, Second Edition. London:
The climactic showdown of the First Battle of the Marne now comes to a decisive, bloody end.Please feel free to visit our sponsor, the WYLD Gallery!IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources: Churchill, Winston. The World Crisis: Vol. I. New York: Charl
“Now, as the battle is joined on which the safety of the country depends, everyone must be reminded that this is no longer the time for looking back. Every effort must be made to attack and throw back the enemy. A unit which finds it impossible
We return to the narrative on the Western Front, to see how the French and British will plan their last desperate attempt to halt the German advance on Paris at the beginning of September, 1914.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources: Hart, Peter. Th
This episode concludes our two week digression from the narrative. In it, we discuss some basic, fundamental military concepts and theories that have existed and been refined for millennia.NEW PAGE ON THE WEBSITESourcesClausewitz, Carl von. On
Instead of plowing ahead with the narrative, for the next couple weeks we're going to pull back and examine some fundamental concepts of military organization and practice. In this episode, we examine the unit structure and rank hierarchy of th
In the course of less than a week, the Russians went from looking like they could take Berlin at their leisure to having half their invasion wiped out, with the other half falling back in panic. Now Hindenburg and Ludendorff turn their army aga
Today we discuss one of the most pivotal battles of the First World War: the Battle of Tannenberg, as well as explore the personalities of and relationship between the rising team of Hindenburg and Ludendorff.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:H
Today, we watch as the Russian and German Armies on the Eastern Front begin to dance around one another in 1914, upon a land that had seen wars between these two peoples for centuries, in anticipation for the great climactic showdown that may v
Today we take a look at the men who will lead the Russian Army at the outbreak of the First World War, as well as the Czar to whom they owed their allegiance. Long story short...they're not exactly the best and the brightest.Sources:Hart, Peter
Welcome back! Today we watch the Allied Armies stumble back from their defeats of August, 1914, as they try to figure out how in the hell they can turn back the German advance on Paris.Sources:Hart, Peter. The Great War: A Combat History of the
Listen as today the Germans march through Belgium, making...rather a mess of things for the civilians, while the British try to stop them.MAP FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:Hart, Peter. The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War. Oxford
As the war breaks out in earnest along the Western Front, French generals will be taught a bitter lesson about modern combat, paid for with the lives of thousands of their men.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODE.Sources:Doughty, Robert. Pyrrhic Victory:
A group of chocolate soldiers decide to humble the mighty German Army.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:Doughty, Robert. Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great War. Boston: Harvard University Press, 2009.Hart, Peter. The G
Boy, Europe sure had a lot of enormous armies in 1914, didn't they?IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:Davis, Tenney L. The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives. Boston: MIT Press, 1941.Hart, Peter. The Great War: A Combat History of the First Worl
Damned are the peacemakers; for they shall doom the world to Armageddon.Sources:Tuchman, Barbara. The Guns of August. New York: The Random House Publishing Group, 1962.Gordon, Hal. The Fallen Monarch: Remembering Tsar Nicholas II. Highbrow Maga
"The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime."Portraits of the Players in the July Crisis.Sources:Clark, Christopher. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. New York: Harper Collins, 2012.
Boy, I sure do hope Austria-Hungary doesn't use the murder of their prince and princess to do something ridiculously aggressive and provocative.Sources:Clark, Christopher. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. New York: Harper Colli
The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary has been murdered. I sure do hope that nobody in Vienna or Berlin overreacts to this.Sources:Clark, Christopher. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. New York: Harper Collins, 2012.Fischer,
Today we cover what is probably the most famous assassination in history: the assassination of Archduke Franz FerdinandEmail: [email protected] FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:Macmillan, Margaret. The War that Ended Peace. New York:
Today we discuss the history of 19th century European colonialism.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODEPatreon PageEmail: [email protected]:Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt Inc., 1968.Baumslag, Naomi. Mu
Between 1871 and 1914, the Great Powers of Europe took a short break from trying to kill one another. Let's take a look at what they did to occupy themselves in the meantime, shall we?IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESources:Anderson, Margaret Lavinia
Today we discuss the monumental clash between France and the German states in 1870 known as the Franco-Prussian War.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESourcesClodfelter, Michael. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Ot
In the first supplemental of this series, today we take a look at the makeup, technology, and tactics of European armies roundabout 1870, at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.IMAGES FOR TODAY'S EPISODESourcesGriffith, Paddy. Battle Tactic
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