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042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

Released Thursday, 4th March 2021
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042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

042: Azul Terronez of Authors Who Lead On How To Turn Your Books Into Marketing Machines!

Thursday, 4th March 2021
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Today’s guest is my good friend Azul Terronez! He is one of my great friends in the online world and the best whisperer to the stars!

Azul knows how to how create and get books into the marketplace so they can help you grow your business! He has coached some of the biggest entrepreneurs anywhere and turn them into online marketing machines!


In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Simply the process of getting your book out faster.
  • Why your book doesn’t need to be as long as you think it does.
  • Why you should write books, how to launch, and how to get them written fast.
  • How to get people from the book to your memberships and courses online.
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The Shane Sams Show

Welcome to the Shane Sams Show. You’re invited to listen in as Shane and his guests talk about online business, work-life balance, leadership, success, personal development tips, professional growth strategies, and more!Shane Sams interviews the best guests including world class entrepreneurs like Dean Graziosi, John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire, Christian author Priscilla Shirer, Amy Porterfield of Online Marketing Made Easy, Pat Flynn of The Smart Passive Income Podcast, Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School, and Ryan Moran of Capitalism.com; Prolific authors like Dan Miller of 48 Days to the Work You Love, Robbie Baxter of The Membership Economy, and Jay Samit of Future Proof You; wise experts in business and life like Aaron Walker and James Schramko; plus everyday entrepreneur success stories you can’t find anywhere else!Each episode Shane Sams has an uncut mastermind conversation with his famous friends and unpacks what it takes to lead, succeed, and grow both personally and professionally.Plus, you will learn the best strategies, tactics, skills, and mindsets the world’s leading experts, authors, marketers, and entrepreneurs use to succeed in online business and life!The Shane Sams show will take your business, your family, and your life to the next level! Grab a notebook and a pen, pour yourself a coffee or a jar of sweet tea, and enjoy The Shane Sams Show! Listen, subscribe, and review!Shane Sams is the founder of The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast and FlippedLifestyle.com. He is a world-renowned expert in online business, memberships, recurring revenue, subscriptions and work-life balance. He has helped thousands of people start, build, and grow online businesses of their own.

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