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The Sheridan Tapes

Homestead on the Corner

The Sheridan Tapes

A daily Fiction, Drama and Audio Drama podcast

 42 people rated this podcast
The Sheridan Tapes

Homestead on the Corner

The Sheridan Tapes

The Sheridan Tapes

Homestead on the Corner

The Sheridan Tapes

A daily Fiction, Drama and Audio Drama podcast
 42 people rated this podcast
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This show messed me up in one of those bittersweet and unexpected ways that once you finish you just kinda have to sit there staring off into space for a while before coming back to reality.
Just binged season 1 and the pay off for the overarching plot is excellent!
This is a solid spooky podcast with good quality audio and competent actors. I enjoyed the ending of the first season and like the direction of the new season so far. This podcasts deserve more buzz within the spooky podcast niche. For reference, I enjoyed the Lovecraft Investigations, Unwell, the Battersea Poltergeist, and (with varying degrees of enjoyment) the podcasts from the Public Radio Alliance
Outstanding voice acting, seamless storyline, haunting atmospherics, and excellent study in human/natural history.
The pacing is amazing, the story is captivating in every way. It has soft tender moments, fun moments and the spooky moments (that chill you to the bone). It's so good and I'm invested.
A really lovely podcast that's crafted terrifically! Every bit of the story is engaging, from the initial 'Where is Anna Sheridan' plot to everything that it ends up becoming. The individual 'horror short stories' in the early bits are really unique in the horror drama realm.Of course, the sound design is lovely. There's a lot of really complex actions that are conveyed through sound design alone, and the background really comes alive. It really hits me when the characters are in a crowded room (there's a bar scene in S2 as a perfect example of this), and the dramatic music sequences are great.Where Sheridan Tapes really shines, though, are its characters. They're messy and make mistakes, but there's a lot of heart and growth to all of them. TST manages to walk a fine line between 'this is a horror and bad things happen no matter the action' and 'even with all the necessary information, people still act rashly for any number of reasons'. All of the characters have these really compelling emotional moments (hi yes i did get weepy at the end of S2, yes my favorite character is bill tyler) and the dynamics between characters are all REALLY well-executed, especially with the characters having all the different backgrounds that they do. I also have to say that the story of Agate Shore [no spoilers] is horrific and compelling. The voice actors are all really, really strong in their roles, whether it's light banter or, uh, screams of pain.I'm really glad that I caught up in time to listen to S3 as it comes out, and so excited to see where this goes. Immensely talented cast + crew!
One of my latest favorite podcasts. It's just so intriguing, and I love the queer rep of course. If you're looking for a podcast about monsters that's also a detective story, this is the one!
Wow, what a great podcast. Engaging story, excellent voice actors, and great production. After only a few episodes I was signing up on Patreon to support this great show!
I'm not sure what to think of this podcast. The story is good, but the Sam Bailey character, can't seem to make one single conversation without lots of panting, sighing, "ahh", "hmm" and "oh". He sounds like maybe he's out of shape and climbing stairs all the time 😃. It gets a bit annoying to be honest. I know it's not the voice actor, because he speaks in a normal way, so it's the character. Edit: I just started on the second season and it lost me, totally. I mean, the first few episodes are just monologues by some of the characters in the story. I fast forwarded thru most of them, and and when it came to Bailey, my favorite hate object, I just skipped the whole episod, he's sooo annoying. I didn't find anything in the episodes that furthered the story, just them telling stuff from their lives. So, I "baileyed" out. It, the podcast, really lost me.
The perfect example of a podcast that knows how to slowly serve the lore. Each episode you take one step closer to the truth about Anna, and it really tickles that Twin Peaks itch, and that found footage itch, and all the itches that do be needing a scratch from time to time. The Sheridan Tapes has fantastic atmosphere, great acting, the writing is nice and tight. And the mystery? Tres Lynchian.
I am IN LOVE. I had a hard time finding a podcast as good as The Black Tapes, but this is 100% the closest I've found that ticked all the same perfect boxes. I'm obsessed and I can't wait for more. I've already turned like 5 people onto it since discovering it last month.Creepy-but-not-terrifying-ceepy? ✅Supernatural twists? ✅Journalist/investigating? ✅Queer representation? ✅Equal gender rep? ✅
Just stumpled upon The Sheridan Tapes - why haven´t I heard of it before? BIG MISTAKE!Excellent suspense / horror show, perfectly balanced so I don´t get TOO scared.
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