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Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Released Thursday, 13th November 2014
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Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Episode 270: TMBA270: A Roundtable Discussion on Apprentices, Mentoring, and Team Building

Thursday, 13th November 2014
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http://www.tropicalmba.com/returntoapprentice/ Our old friend and former team member Taylor Pearson from TaylorPearson.me has come by this week to help us have a broad, round-table conversation about team building. We talk about the ways that Ian and I have done it, and Taylor shares some insider insight from having been on our team. We also answer a question from a young listener about whether he should be learning a skill set like SEO or diving headfirst into his own business.

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