Dr Anita Mitra is an NHS doctor specialising in Obstetrics & Gynaecology whose online platform and book, The Gynae Geek: Your No-Nonsense Guide To Down-There Healthcare, cuts through the b*llocks we often hear about women’s health. Become a mem
Why do we keep losing the fight on immigration? After a few years of relative quiet, immigration and the refugee crisis are once again in the news. From Nigel Farage still being an agenda-setter on the issue to the Home Office tweeting about "a
What’s the closest you’ve come to rock bottom? For Raynor Winn and her husband Moth it was a terminal cancer diagnosis followed just days later by the loss of their home and livelihood.They were left with nothing, but instead of giving up Rayno
Woke and capitalism aren’t two words that should naturally go together, but many, including the brilliant Helen Lewis, have coined the phrase to refer to the new rule in the capitalist textbook; woke opinions on public platforms equals big mone
Have you ever been told to smile more or had your name pronounced incorrectly? If so, you've probably already faced bias in your everyday life.We like to believe that we are all fair-minded and egalitarian but we all carry biases that we might