Send us a textWHOOP!!!!! Episode 72, The return of Uncomfortable Truth Alumni and very own Inglewood's own St. Nick along with Boskoe 100. This episode started off with small audio difficulties but quickly got on track. Everything was discussed from Bolitics, to internet personalities and even misconceptions between DC... more
Send us a textWe coming in hot with the 1st episode of the new year! Qaadi and Velvet give their take on the now viral Kat Williams interview, men wearing dresses, how they spent their new year and much more
Send us a textFresh off a Mecation Qaadi & Velvet tackle a few current events in the news cycle and catch back up. Ain’t nobody Podding like this!! Episode 59 of The Uncomfortable Truth Podcast Follow us on IG @the_uncomfortabletruthpodcastQaadi @ WhennowdcVelvet Jones @ UnclevelvetjonesFacebook Velvet JonesQaadi Walla... more
Send us a textEveryone has heard of a Vacation. Have you heard of a Mecation tho???!!!! Unplug, recharge and spoil yourself with a Mecation, episode 58 of the Uncomfortable Truth Podcast