We’re wrapping up our series on church staffing oxymorons by tackling perhaps the most challenging one yet: the perfect staff structure for never. Many churches find themselves caught in a structure that doesn’t work for today’s needs and definitely won’t support tomorrow’s vision. It’s that nagging feeling that someth... more
In Part 2 of our church staffing series, Sean and Amy tackle another challenging oxymoron: having the right wrong people on your team. In this episode, we unpack: How to assess your current staff leaders beyond basic performance metrics Understanding the four levels of leadership capacity (10s, 50s, 100s, 1000s) The i... more
In Part 1 of a new series we're calling "Church Staffing Oxymorons," Sean and Amy explore a common staffing oxymoron that all too many churches face: teams that are simultaneously understaffed and overstaffed. In this episode we unpack: Why churches often end up with misaligned staffing What this tension feels like fo... more
The '90s called again, and they want their 3-ring binder back. In Part 4 of our series, Sean and Amy explore: Why documenting a strategy isn't the same as creating aligned action How churches sometimes use planning to avoid significant change The difference between treating symptoms vs. solving root problems Wh... more
The '90s called, and they want their core values back. In Part 3 of our series, Sean and Amy discuss how churches can move beyond generic “permission to play” values to define authentic, culture-shaping behaviors that drive real organizational change. They cover: Why traditional church core values often end up as mea... more
The ‘90s called again, and they want their 10-year visions back. In Part 2 of our series, Amy and Sean explore how churches can move beyond outdated vision-setting approaches to create more focused, time-bound visions that actually drive change. In this episode, we discuss: Why the 10-year vision approach from the ‘9... more
The '90s called, and they want their strategic planning process back. That binder that’s still on the shelf. The 10-year vision that has come and gone. So many churches are still doing vision, planning and strategy following an old playbook—a 30+ year-old playbook. Is there a more modern way to unify your church body ... more
Wow, 2024, what a year of highs and lows. If there were ever a year to pause and look back, this is the one for us. In this episode, Sean and Amy are joined by Tiffany Deluccia, the third member of The Unstuck Group’s leadership team. We reflect on God’s faithfulness in 2024 and preview some of what’s to come in 202... more
We have covered the things that can start to feel like crises related to the people side of growth, and we’ve covered the challenges you can expect related to the emotional side of growth. But there's one more area that contains a lot of practical, preventable challenges in a growing church: the systems and structure s... more
Continued growth can feel like an engine. As a leader, you’re seeing results. You’re running on the high of seeing the fruits of all the effort, intention and faithfulness. You and the team have been on mission, and you’ve sensed God’s blessing and hand on the ministry. And then it all starts taking a toll, and if you... more
When your church is in a season of growth, there are certain challenges that you are bound to run into. The good news is these challenges are predictable. But just because they are predictable doesn’t mean they are easy to navigate. In fact, some of the pastors going through a season of big momentum would tell you it’s... more
It's the most wonderful time of the year... time for The Unstuck Church Report! Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States. Our Q4 report focuses on current data and trends in multisite churches specifically. We received data from over 100 m... more
In this series, we’ve talked about how to evaluate your in-person weekend experience. But there is another aspect to the weekend that we don’t want to overlook—the online service experience. Evaluating your online service can be tricky; it’s both part of the weekend and not. How do we measure the quality of it? In this... more
You’re ready for first-time guests. You’ve planned your sermon series. You’ve prepared your message. But how do you know if it’s working? How do you evaluate your weekend experience? Throughout the “Weekend Quality Check” series, we’ve shared some practical ways you can increase the quality of your weekend planning, pr... more
How do you teach in a way that engages insiders without alienating the outsiders? How do you develop teachings that are relevant, relatable and truly transformational? Sean and Amy address these questions and more in Part 3 of the “Weekend Quality Check” series. In this episode, we dig into the core tensions pastors fa... more
Weekend quality is about more than creative excellence. It’s about how well you leverage that time to engage both insiders and outsiders—for people who know Jesus and people who don’t. The sermon is a core component of any weekend experience. In this episode, Sean and Amy break down strategies for planning a sermon ser... more
Weekend Quality Check (Part 1) - We’re hearing it from churches across the country: More and more people are showing up on the weekend, and it’s really encouraging. When you have that kind of momentum, it’s easy to start coasting. It’s easy to stop noticing what needs attention, which is why now is a really good time f... more
Is the leader of your family ministry included at the leadership table? In the final episode of our series on "What It Really Takes To Reach Young Families," we had a conversation with Christie Penner Worden. Christie is a strategic leader, speaker, preacher and writer who is passionate about discipling children and e... more
One thing is often overlooked when it comes to engaging kids and families—the environment. Creating compelling ministry spaces is crucial for reaching the next generation. Justyn Smith from PlainJoe Studios has 22 years of experience in kids’ ministry. He works with some of the most innovative and creative churches in ... more
Who is responsible? When kids’ attendance numbers are down, senior leaders can tend to blame the kids’ pastor. But the truth is that the children’s pastor has very little control over creating the necessary environment for reaching young families. The church’s leadership and vision are big factors. Before Tony Morgan’s... more
Many of you have already heard of Tony Morgan's passing on the morning of Wednesday, September 4, 2024, after suffering a heart attack two days before and battling with all his strength. But we wanted you to hear it from our voices. This is a tribute to the best boss we ever had, the leader who practiced what he preach... more
If a church is engaging young families, it’s pretty easy to see. What’s less obvious to the outside observer is all the decisions they have made to become a church that parents and kids want to attend—what it really takes. There’s much more to it than curriculum, facilities or finding the right staff, and through this... more
Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States. In this episode, Amy and I discuss findings from the Q3 2024 Unstuck Church Report and take a targeted look at key differences between growing churches and churches that are plateauing or declinin... more
Organizational health impacts the overall health of churches. When there are gaps in strengths, trust and accountability in staff teams, stuckness soon follows. Here at The Unstuck Group, we've found an effective way for our team to identify their strengths and close gaps in their leadership through Working Genius b... more
Our data consistently contradicts the broader trends of declining religious affiliation and church engagement in our country. In fact, we personally know many churches that are experiencing major momentum right now—in terms of attendance, engagement, professions of faith, giving and all kinds of metrics of church heal... more