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Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Released Thursday, 16th July 2015
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Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Episode 5 – Make it Easy for Customers, You and Your Business - The Upsell Podcast - Better Communication for Your Business and Life

Thursday, 16th July 2015
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imageWelcome to the fifth episode of The Upsell Podcast. First, thank you for the great feedback and support you’ve shared since I launched. It’s amazing the people who come from every direction, seeing you put out something they feel a connection to and showing their care and attention. I’m only a few episodes in and with your conversations, ratings, reviews… it’s been humbling.

So on to the show, another solo-cast.

 Segment #1 – Top of Mind “I’m an idiot.”

I share one of the dumbest things I’ve done. I was invited to speak on a panel at a joint CPRS/IABC event in Victoria to a budding group of communicators, looking to get into the market. When the emcee asked how the audience could follow up with us, I told them not to. It was a very stupid move and one I regret, even a few years later. Add humanity and empathy, even when it’s not easy to do.

Segment #2 – Word of the Week: Easy

“Make it easy for me to give you my money” – John Hoffman

MAKE IT EASY for your customers, for others in your life and for your employees.

In life, make it easy for people:

  • to like you. Have you ever had an encounter with someone and thought, “why did I say that? I didn’t have to be a jerk there.” You know it was the wrong thing by just looking at the reaction from the other person.
  • to get where they are going (car, doorway, etc). Always such a pain point
  • for people to overcome their obstacles
    • (if you see someone struggling with their career or family life, if you see someone looking for knowledge, etc.)

In business, make it easy for customers to:

  • access your service or buy your product – goes back to John’s comment. How many obstacles do you put in the way?
  • find information – if I want to know something about your company, how readily available is the information? Make sure your FAQs are up to date. Make sure you’re transparent.
  • contact you – Stop hiding from your customers.
  • Quit you.

At work, make it easy for your staff or employees to:

  • get your time – When you say you have an open door policy, do you really? And if that door is open and you notice no one using it…are you really that approachable. Make it easy for people to get your time.
  • get your ear – Listen. And when they have your time, be actively listening. Be present. We can tell when you wander off in your brain. Put the email typing away.
  • work with you – are you collaborative or difficult. Are you putting up more obstacles or are you solving problems and helping?

Offer a path of least resistance by being friend and helping them. By making it easy for others, there’s great benefits for you, including:

  • becoming a trusted resource to those you help.
  • actions speak louder than words, and by putting others before yourself you show leadership to those around you.
  • you’ll feel good. Psychology Today says it reduces stress, helps you feel closer to others, increases compassion and empathy.

Segment #3 – Tell Me an Upsell Story

A great and positive customer experience…nay, a human experience, courtesy of Brock Lewis from Sacramento, California:

After enduring a 108 degree day (I do work in an air conditioned office though) and on my way home from a tiring gym sesh (session?), I decided to have someone else make my dinner instead of turning on my stove or oven. I stopped at a Chipotle, placed my order, and approached the register to pay as a lady was attempting to snap open a paper bag in which to place my to-go order. Instead of opening, the bag flew out of her hand, slid across the counter, and was drifting its way to the floor. Since I’ve played sports all my life, I usually try to take advantage of these little “sporting” moments. As I was already in the process of moving in the direction of the fluttering bag, I was able to take an extra stride and reach out to catch the bag between my thumb and index fingers just before it landed on the floor (there was actually quite a bit of a lunging action involved). The attempt was really all upside as it was going to be either a, “hey, that was a really nice catch” or a “that was a nice try, but you really had no chance to catch it” kind of moment. The lady who “threw” the bag was quite impressed with my “athletic feat” and said, “That was such an amazing catch; your meal is on us tonight.” I actually had to confirm she was serious (which she was), thanked her profusely, walked out with free Chipotle, and now sharing that experience. It turned out she was a manager and it’s nice to know Chipotle gives its management discretion to make such gestures.

Segment #4 – A the Q: Answer the Question

This week, I pose the question: “What is ONE WORD for great leadership?” and share the great responses we got from the last question around one word for good customer service. I was absolutely amazed at those that shared their very brief summary of great customer service.  

Segment #5 – We Sum it All Up

Thanks again for listening. In this episode, I learned from my mistakes, we discussed the various ways you can make it easier on others and the benefits it holds, we shared a fun example of a great customer experience and wrapped it with a question posed to you.

Hope you’re enjoying the show. Your ratings and reviews helped get this show far more exposure and awareness than I could have hoped for. Thank YOU!

If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know in the comments or the Speakpipe feature (on the left).







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