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The People’s House: A White House Experience

The People’s House: A White House Experience

Released Monday, 9th December 2024
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The People’s House: A White House Experience

The People’s House: A White House Experience

The People’s House: A White House Experience

The People’s House: A White House Experience

Monday, 9th December 2024
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First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy founded the White House Historical Association over 60 years ago, famously saying “The White House belongs to the American people.” The Association’s mission has been clear since day one: preserving, protecting, and providing public access to White House History. That mission continues through The People’s House: A White House Experience at 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue - a block away from the White House - in Washington, D.C.

In this episode, Stewart McLaurin, President of the White House Historical Association, describes how The People’s House evolved from concept to concrete slabs to cutting-edge technology. He shares what visitors can expect when they arrive: immersive galleries and exhibits where history comes alive with the flick of a hand; a full-scale replica of the Oval Office where you can sit behind the iconic Resolute Desk; become a guest at a State Dinner and listen to a Cabinet meeting, and so much more.

The White House Historical Association is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, and no taxpayer dollars were used to build The People’s House, it was funded completely through generous private donations. So please listen and watch to learn more about The People’s House: A White House Experience, and then reserve your free pass to see it yourself next time you’re in the nation’s capital. Plan your visit today at: http://thepeopleshouse.org   

Find all our podcasts at: https://www.whitehousehistory.org/the-white-house-1600-sessions

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