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Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Released Saturday, 8th April 2017
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Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Rob McConnell Interviews: David Barker - Parascience

Saturday, 8th April 2017
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He is an English, retired software engineer, house husband and researcher who lives in Germany with 2 children. He is a paranormal researcher who is in the process of compiling the evidence and writing a scientific research book on the paranormal. The book will be based on a new term he has claimed to have made called "Parascience". This is an evidence based work on scientific principles of observation and study. The principle is, "That which is consistent must be true"!
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The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show

Welcome to The 'X' Zone Radio Show.... a place where Fact is Fiction and Fiction is Reality where Canadian broadcaster and media personality, the host, creator and executive producer, Rob McConnell has been at the helm of this Internationally syndicated terrestrial radio and satellite programming since 1990 and broadcasting/producing TV programming, commercials, and specials since 1981.Topics that are discussed with those that Rob interviews from around the world include:11:11, 2012, 666: The Number Of The Beast, 9/11, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Angels, Apocalypse, Astrology, Atlantis, The Bible, Chinese Astrology, Conspiracy Theories, Cosmology, Crop Circles, Cryptozoology, Crystals, Demonology, Dreams And Dream Interpretation, Electronic Voice Phenomena, End Times, End-Time Prophecies, ESP, Exorcism, Extraterrestrial Communication, Fairies, Forbidden Knowledge, Ghosts, Government Cover-ups, Hauntings, Herbalism, Kennedy Assassination, Kirlian Photography, Life After Death, Lost Tribes And Civilizations, Mind Over Matter, Near-Death Experience, Nostradamus, Numerology, Occult, Ouija Boards, Palmistry, Paranormal Hoaxes And Frauds, Paranormal, Parapsychology, Past Life Regression, Precognition, PSI, Psychic Phenomena, Psychic Phenomenon, Psychic Surgery, Raelians, Reincarnation, Remote Viewing, Sacred Geometry, Science Fiction, Séances, Shadow People, Shamanism, Spiritualists, Tarot Cards, The Apocalypse, The Bermuda Triangle, The Dalai Lama, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Michigan Triangle, Time Travel, UFO Crashes, UFOs, Unsolved Mysteries, Vile Vortices, VooDoo, Wicca, Zombies and much more!For more information on The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell, visit www.xzoneradiotv.com and to find out when you can listen to The 'X' Zone Radio Show, visit www.xzbn.net.To find out more about The 'X' Zone Radio Show, checkout The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper at www.xchroniclesnewspaper.com.Dare to believe, Dare to be heard, in The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell.Our Radio/TV Studios and Corporate Offices are in the Niagara Region if Ontario, CanadaBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-x-zone-radio-tv-show--1078348/support.

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