No La La Land to be found on my list, despite its impending domination of this year’s Academy Awards. To be honest, I didn’t see a whole lot of new releases in 2016—I’m guessing somewhere between 20-30 films total. So as with other years, this list is really a compilation of my most memorable films of the year… or film... more
Have you seen The Loved Ones? Australian horror film from 2009 that is online in full on YouTube (Paramount approved):“A teenager hatches a disturbingly violent revenge plot when the boy she likes rejects her.” Not for the squeamish, but anchored by an amazing batshit crazy ... more
There Will Be 6 Years and 300 Episodes. Joel Sinensky returns for one last podcast, live from my parent’s backyard! In the final episode of TWBS, we discuss how our lives have changed since sitting down to record Episode 001 exactly six years before. We also look back on my Top 10 of 2010 to […]
There Will Be Westerns. Mike Dawson and I talk about the most manly and badass of all films genres: The Western. Hear our take on classic Clint Eastwood moments, new attempts at the genre, and what we’d do if we lived in the Wild West. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download […]
There Will Be Our Favorite/Only Movies of 2015. Robbie Starr is back for one last podcast to discuss the favorite films we saw last year… or in Robbie’s case, the only movies he saw last year. Together we create a comprehensive Top 10 Films that are worthy of your eventual Netflix dollars. Click to stream, […]
There Will Be Movie Moments That Ruined My Life. Jeff Newman returns to discuss why movies do nothing but raise our expectations and set us up for disappointment. Hear our paranoid delusions on some classic movie cliches brought to life, as well as why we’re struggling to give up our dreams of Oscar glory. Click […]
There Will Be A Night On The Town. Gary Smith and I relive our glory days of bar hopping and harassing Uber drivers. Drink along as we discuss everything from the multi shot pre-party, to the killer moves on the dance floor, to the inevitable Hype-fueled beer pong games at the end of the night. […]
There Will Be Rivalries. Justin Haacke returns to discuss our world of intense rivalries; whether it’s in politics, sports, music, or movies/TV. Tupac vs. Biggie… Democraps vs. Republitards… Homer Simpson vs. Ned Flanders… who comes out on top?? Download this week’s TWBS and find out! Click to stream, or Right Click+Sa... more
There Will Be Holiday Spirit (or lack thereof). Brett Rader returns to discuss our family traditions, spending too much money on gifts, and the day I stopped believing in Santa Claus. We also chat about the holiday essential movies, and why we’re both terrible Jews. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to downl... more
There Will Be #Krocktoberfest2015, Part 2. Ooooooh boy… you though Monday’s episode was a shit-show? Two hours, a nap, and several shots later, Chandler, Austin, and I reconvened to finish our horror movie marathon discussion. This time we focus on the terrible film we watched in the interim, as well as our experiences... more
There Will Be #Krocktoberfest2015, Part 1. Chandler and Austin return to discuss our annual horror movie marathons. In Part 1, we largely focus on the first half of the month, including the most controversial film of the season. Also boobies. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download mp3: There Will Be S... more
There Will Be More Horror Scenarios. Chris Laxamana returns for one last round of Good News-Bad News, only this time the tables are flipped. Listen as we attempt to out do each other in a battle of wits to survive the most terrifying scenarios imaginable… from killer clowns, to forgotten wedding anniversaries. Click to... more
There Will Be Golf. My Dad is back to chat with me about our experiences playing golf together when I was growing up. We also discuss his thoughts on pro golfers like Tiger Woods, why he plays from the ‘forward tees’, and the time he apparently assaulted my grandpa. Stay tuned for a big announcement […]
There Will Be Battlestar. Caelan Biehn returns to discuss his recent binge-watching of the latest incarnation of Battlestar Galactica. Hear our season by season recap, and understand our mutual obsession of one of the greatest TV shows ever made. Don’t listen to the nerdy nay-sayers, you do not know what you’re missing... more
There Will Be Yet Another Fall Movie Preview. Matt Schulman calls in for his 3rd tenth appearance in order to discuss the remaining batch of exciting films to come out in 2015. We also get into a heated debate about some recent horror movies, and chat about a lil’ something you may have heard of […]
There Will Be Kanye. Joel Sinensky finally gets to do a hip-hop episode! Hear our thoughts on the artistry, controversy, and the entire Kanye West discography- including samples of our favorite tracks. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download mp3: There Will Be Spoilers, Episode 287
There Will Be XXX. Brett Rader is back to discuss many things… namely porn, poison, and bowling. We also chat about roman numerals, and of course give an in-depth analysis of the Vin Diesel extreme-sports-athlete-turned-superspy classic. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download mp3: There Will Be Spoile... more
There Will Be Disneyland. Robbie Starr and the lovely Paepin join me for a podcast about the Happiest Place on Earth. We also talk about the Dark Side of Disney, the surprisingly psychedelic rides for kids, and whether or not the Fast Passes actually help you out. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As […]
There Will Be Outside Lands. Julie Taylor returns to relive our epic weekend in San Francisco. Hear all about the Music, Beer, Food, Wine and Art Festival, as well as trips to the first aid tent, obnoxious Lyft drivers, and a terrible housing experience. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download mp3: […]
There Will Be ‘Murica! Justin Haacke returns to celebrate our country’s birthday the only way we know how: a slightly offensive, mostly inebriated oral history. Not to be confused with / sued by Drunk History, we tried to focus on our country’s story through the lens of our favorite historical movies. THERE WILL BE SPO... more
There Will Be Fatherhood. Sean Novak is the only close friend of mine who has a kid. We talk about the first six months of raising a kid, and also save time to discuss the best and worst movie dads. Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to download mp3: There Will Be Spoilers, […]
There Will Be Carolla. Adam Carolla chats with me about his path to success despite all the odds. With the boss’s permission, enjoy this episode of his motivational podcast “Take A Knee”, where Adam asked ME to interview HIM. It was definitely a nerve-wracking but fun experience to sit down one on one without distracti... more
There Will Be Magic. Jeff Newman returns to chat about our shared obsession over ILLUSIONS such as sleight of hand, levitation, and mind control. We also discuss Harry Potter, black magic, the Magic Castle, Magic the Gathering, Magic Johnson, and Magic Mountain. Though we did somehow manage to forget about Houdini. #ma... more
There Will Be Another Summer Movie Preview. Brett Rader returns to chat with me about this summer’s upcoming Blockbuster season. I complain a lot about CGI, and Brett brings up a few indie comedies as well. Also listen for a SUPER SPECIAL SURPRISE SELEBRITY VOICEMAIL!!! Click to stream, or Right Click+Save Link As to d... more
There Will Be Gambino. Gary Smith returns for another rap-themed podcast, this time about the supremely talented and enigmatic Childish Gambino. We play some of our favorite tracks, recall great moments from his live shows, and tackle his entire discography (along with all the bizarre art projects that go along with it... more