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70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

Released Friday, 11th October 2024
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70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

70. Simo Parpola and the State Archives of Assyria project

Friday, 11th October 2024
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This episode was recorded live at the Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale conference held in Helsinki in July 2024. 

Simo Parpola reflects on his long and momentous career. He explains how he became an assyriologist, and how he came to focus on the Assyrians. A key collaboration led to one of the most significant projects in assyriological history. What was it like to study large groups of tablets in the days before bulk digitisation? How did they identify so many joins remotely? Simo then discusses what has brought him satisfaction, and offers advice to younger scholars. He also explains what else he has dedicated his time to.

2:19 why assyriology?
4:38 why study the Assyrians?
7:49 origins of the project
12:24 early digital technology
13:33 joining fragments
17:17 looking back
19:04 dream finds
20:54 reaction to other projects
21:28 finding support for the project
23:32 combining traditional and innovative thinking

Music by Ruba Hillawi

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