Have you ever thought about getting into real estate investing but don’t have the time because you’re too busy with your day job? Have you ever heard of ‘passive real estate investing? Well, that’s exactly what today’s show is about. How to invest in real estate passively, even when you are busy. Our special guest today is Alina Trigub.
Alina is the founder and Managing Partner of SAMO Financial. It’s a boutique private equity firm specializing in helping busy business owners and IT professionals passively invest in commercial real estate. Alina's business motto has been articulated well by Warren Buffett’s quote; “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago". Her passion is to teach others how to build wealth by investing passively.
Tune to learn the differences between actively investing in real estate vs passively investing in real estate. Also, why one would even consider investing in real estate passively.
We talk about how one could leverage their cash-value-whole-life insurance policy (also referred to as a Bank On Yourself type whole life policy) with passive real estate deals.
To connect with Alina, please see the links below:
To learn more about leveraging cash value life insurance and connecting this savings option with real estate investing, visit our site here:
Also, schedule a free call here:
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