Whales? Bullshit. Coyotes? Sick. Join animal geniuses Spencer, Ty, and Andy as they determine which animals are hot and which are not. Wait I didn't mean "hot" hot --Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to our $10/month patrons: Firebirb42069, Matthew Smith, Josh O'Brien,T... more
go john. protect that guy with downs syndrome. we're all counting on youListen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
On this episode of Get Cynical: GamerGate, Spencer, Hannah, and Esther look at the diverse coalition of gamers and journalists that supported #GamerGate and its sister hashtag, #NotYourShield.
We forgot to give this one a good name before the end of the episode. Sorry, that one was on us. Join professional TV writers Spencer, Ty, and Andy -- as well as Most Controversial's Charlie -- as they write a treatment for the television program that will heal a fractured nation.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or... more
this movie is what hitler saw every time he closed his eyesListen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
Thank god we got this one in before they banned TikTok forever. Not sure what we would have done without it! Join comedy experts Spencer, Ty, and Andy as they partake in an epic debate between the two most annoying cultural affectations in the nation, and finally decide which is the best.Support us on Patreon for $5,... more
bring back jason! we want jason!! also RIP to a real one i supposeListen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
That's right: if you've ever asked to be on the show, you just missed your chance. Join professional yappers Spencer, Ty, and Andy as they answer their fans most burning questions about eunuchs, carnivore diets, and coyote murder.Special thanks to: kuntsuragi, hellgirlwalking, newmansown, styledape, william, kilo3768... more
In galaxies beyond our reckoning, one starship is struck with a terrible affliction. Now, two unlikely heroes must save their themselves, their crew, and perhaps everything they've ever known. Get refreshed on the second episode before continuing the epic saga, only on the TGOFV Patreon.Listen to an extra episode a w... more
We all know what "sex pollen" is, don't pretend that you're above sex pollen just to impress your fanfiction-hating friends. It's not cringe. Join fanfiction mavens Spencer, Ty, Andy as they rank fanfiction tropes from gross, to impractical, to just plain silly.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.co... more
That’s right, Christmas Fans! Today, TGOFV sells out to the rising tide of conservatism to bring you a feature film one yea in the making: The War for Christmas! Join Jeff Hahn, Joyce Jansen, Les Bootley, and Santa as they stop a mysterious force from turning Christmas into just another bogus December day.Starring:... more
#GamerGate has officially begun—and it isn't long before the mainstream media starts to take notice. Spencer, Esther, and Hannah track the two turbulent months when GamerGate snowballed into the omniwar.
Santa, baby. Can we talk about how this whole list scenario is going to work this year? Join Certified Christmas Creeps Spencer, Ty, and Andy as they debate that most ancient of holiday conundrums: is it better to be naughty or nice?Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to ... more
you will become your parent's favorite child if you take our simple gift-buying advice. don't believe us? try it yourself!Listen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
This is a movie for real Amerikkkans only. The Maoists are going to put us on the gallows for this. Join Disney World season pass holders Ty and Andy as they discuss the most magical place on Earth, and the army of slaves that keeps it afloat.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big sho... more
a little bit of chicken fried? cold beer on a friday night? don't mind if i doListen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
In the farthest throes of the universe, two men must find a cure.... or DIE TRYING. Get refreshed on the first episode before continuing the epic saga, only on the TGOFV Patreon.Listen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
You know your dad? Remember him from Thanksgiving? This is an episode for him. Join movie lovers Spencer and Andy as they discuss movies that your dad watches to distract him from the inevitability of his own death.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to our $10/month patr... more
This might be the single most masturbatory thing ever posted on this RSS feed. Hope you guys enjoy! Join Frasier expert Ty as she reads a spec script for the show about that radio therapist that we all know and love.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to our $10/month pat... more
doctor jones you crazy if you think you can mess with some aliensListen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
Well, we know which way the winds in this country are blowing. Might as well blow with them! Join white people Spencer, Ty, Andy as they rank all of the white people phrases, from "shucks" to "golly" and beyond.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to our $10/month patrons:... more
i'm a progressive: i think every race should have their own Megalopolis (2024)Listen to an extra episode a week for $5, or all our bonus episodes for $7 or $10 at www.patreon.com/tgofv.
There's a serious man problem on the Left? I know just the people to fix it. Join professional boy whisperers Spencer, Ty, Andy as they answer all the questions that weigh heavily on the minds of this nation's young men.Support us on Patreon for $5, $7, or $10: www.patreon.com/tgofv.A big shout-out to our $10/month... more