🌞 Lora’s summer vibe from a comfortable place. 01:03
😿 Working with women who have been betrayed. 01:51
👧 Magical childhood: little performer, perfectionist, and not used to being imperfect. 02:59
🚦 Warning signs we don’t see in time: it is not possible all the time. 05:27
💃 Dance as joy: choosing your career so that it brings us joy and challenges us. 07:20
🎯 Having a lot of passions: life is long enough to do it all. 08:45
😇 Self growth and self development should be something that is actually enjoyable to do.10:38
🎭 Burlesque pokes fun at all that is hypocritical in ourselves: razor’s edge that teases us. 11:29
🤩 Freedom and self worth: being exposed is an incredible place of power. 14:41
▶️ Reset button: perfect in everything, and things we ‘have’ to be. 17:03
👉 Naked Self-Worth: a place where you can put the good things about you on display. 18:06
Connect with Lori: www.loracheadle.com
🤓 Connect with us: www.resonateengine.com
▶️ Check us out at: www.thoughtpartnergroup.com
💡 Screw Harvard, go to Crazy MBA: www.crazymba.com
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