We’re at war with spiritual beings, but what weapons do we have to fight off the attacks? We’ll discover not only what they are, but how to use them in our daily warfare in the heavenlies.
Does God require a tithe? Are we commanded to give 10% of our salaries? Paul makes the issue of giving abundantly clear in his second letter to the Corinthians.
We read in Ecclesiastes that there is no new thing under the sun. Yet Paul said in 2 Corinthians that he who is in Christ is a new creation. How can these seemingly contradictory statements be reconciled? Well, one was made from the viewpoint of a man living under the S-U-N and the other from a man living under the S-O... more
What makes prayer effective? Nehemiah, the businessman, gives us a practical model. Dr. J. Vernon McGee highlights Nehemiah's "Three S's"solicitude, supplication, and submissionand how they can help us transform our own relationship with God.
The cornerstone of the Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ; without it there would be no reason to believe that Jesus could save us from anything. But many in post modernity are downplaying its value and importance.
There was a time when traveling preachers commonly put up a large tent or hung a banner on the side of a meeting place announcing a revival. In most cases the effects of their vigorous teaching produced only minimal lasting results. So this begs the question, What is revival?
Creative thought has been expressed and recorded on paper for centuries. Yet one book has stood the test of time and has been circulated and maintained by the common manthe Word of God.
With humility and candor, Dr. McGee takes us through a systematic study of one of the most well-known chapters in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. Together we look at the preeminence, prerogatives, and permanence of God's love and discover that while we can’t keep God from loving us, we can get into a place where we don't... more
With humility and candor, Dr. McGee takes us through a systematic study of one of the most well-known chapters in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. Together we look at the preeminence, prerogatives, and permanence of God's love and discover that while we can’t keep God from loving us, we can get into a place where we don't... more
(1 Corinthians 3:11-15) Once the foundation of a building is set you can get a good sense of its general dimensions, but what you can’t tell by the foundation is the beauty of the materials chosen by the builder, which can only be displayed when the building is complete.
(1 Corinthians 3:11-15) Once the foundation of a building is set you can get a good sense of its general dimensions, but what you can’t tell by the foundation is the beauty of the materials chosen by the builder, which can only be displayed when the building is complete.
We are told over and over again that Christians should not judge, but what about the biblical standards of holiness, righteousness, and justice? How do we uphold these principles and yet not judge those who are living in sin?
We are told over and over again that Christians should not judge, but what about the biblical standards of holiness, righteousness, and justice? How do we uphold these principles and yet not judge those who are living in sin?
The Jews are looking for a sign and the Greeks are seeking after wisdom, but to the Jews the cross is a stumbling block and to the Greeks it is foolishness. These are the traits of those who do not believe, but the elect are willing to believe in the foolishness of the gospel.
The Jews are looking for a sign and the Greeks are seeking after wisdom, but to the Jews the cross is a stumbling block and to the Greeks it is foolishness. These are the traits of those who do not believe, but the elect are willing to believe in the foolishness of the gospel.
The Church of Corinth had three of the greatest Bible teachers come through their church, but instead of developing greater unity around the person of Christ it resulted in the division of the church. Paul in his letter confronts the church and points them back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church of Corinth had three of the greatest Bible teachers come through their church, but instead of developing greater unity around the person of Christ it resulted in the division of the church. Paul in his letter confronts the church and points them back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hezekiah, King of Judah, was facing the final days of his life, but God granted him his request for a longer life. But the consequence of Hezekiah’s extended life was that the people turned away from God, which proved to be the beginning of the end for the nation.
Hezekiah, King of Judah, was facing the final days of his life, but God granted him his request for a longer life. But the consequence of Hezekiah’s extended life was that the people turned away from God, which proved to be the beginning of the end for the nation.
What would you do if an army, ready to destroy you, surrounded your city and sent you a letter demanding that you surrender or die? King Hezekiah’s response is one we should all follow when the troubles of life press us, even to the edge of death itself.
What would you do if an army, ready to destroy you, surrounded your city and sent you a letter demanding that you surrender or die? King Hezekiah’s response is one we should all follow when the troubles of life press us, even to the edge of death itself.
Elijah was one of the greatest prophets of God. He stopped the rain, was fed by ravens, and raised the dead. But did he leave us with some great writing? Indeed, he did!
Elijah was one of the greatest prophets of God. He stopped the rain, was fed by ravens, and raised the dead. But did he leave us with some great writing? Indeed, he did!
Although the concept of kingdoms, kings, and queens is somewhat foreign to us here in the U.S., Scripture makes clear that there is a kingdom that will come on this earth and be ruled by the King Jesus Christ.
Although the concept of kingdoms, kings, and queens is somewhat foreign to us here in the U.S., Scripture makes clear that there is a kingdom that will come on this earth and be ruled by the King Jesus Christ.