Anarchist Audit Millions on Condoms to the Middle East, 175 Billion to Ukraine also Marvel Comics Star Wars A New Legacy Comic Book Review - Toward Anarchy
Anarchist Audit of President Trump's first week in office and Papa Duke Comic Book Review, then Dr. Dean Lloyd makes his first house call of the new year - Toward Anarchy
Anarchist Audit of Capitalism in comparison to every other economic option, there's you in control of your wealth, or there are other people in control - Toward Anarchy
Anarchist Audit of the Kamala Harris Democrat Platform so the episode is mostly dead air... because they don't have a platform but fear of Straight White Males and Hating Capitalism - Toward Anarchy
Anarchist Reacts to the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump and discusses the moral and social value of killing authoritarians and government officials - Toward Anarchy
Project 2025 I can sum it up in two minutes, but it'll take two hours to berate the right and the left for their stupidity and hatred and their weaponization of the system against each other - Toward Anarchy
the era, the art, the politics, the history, what it all means in today's world of AI art and politically driven social movements like ComicsGate - Toward Anarchy