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Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

Chris Christensen

Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

A weekly Society, Culture and Travel podcast featuring Chris Christensen

 7 people rated this podcast
Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

Chris Christensen

Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

Chris Christensen

Travel with Amateur Traveler Podcast

A weekly Society, Culture and Travel podcast featuring Chris Christensen
 7 people rated this podcast
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Amateur Traveler has been putting out podcasts for literally more than half my life ? The archive goes back to the mid-2000s & new episodes continue to come out to this day.This means they've got shows on just about anywhere and everywhere you might travel to. I typically just search for the name of the city or country I'm heading to, and BAM - there's at least one full episode, sometimes more.I also enjoy that the host interviews mostly locals - either people who grew up there or transplants who have lived in the area a while - so the tips aren't just touristy things. They cover that too, and typically are frank about the tourist stuff you should skip and the stuff that's worth it, but they go beyond that to discuss locals' favorite parks, restaurants, day trips, etc.I don't like to overplan trips but I also don't want to miss anything accidentally, so on my last trip, I limited my research to just listening to the relevant episode of Amateur Traveler. It was a perfect, easy way to get an overview & some insider info, which is how I discovered the amazing chocolate Café in Luxembourg where I fell in love with Chocolate Spoons. #forevergratefulI'm listening to the relevant episodes for my upcoming trip now & it is getting me PUMPED! If you've got travel planned, I definitely recommend checking out if there's an episode on your destination.
Wide range of destinations discussed. Knowledgeable guests with good information on said destinations. Host Chris can sometimes talk too much. He's always correcting guests, interjecting with things he's looked up on Google Search while guests are talking (makes him seem uninterested sometimes and is frankly annoying), or adding one-minute-plus blurbs of his own. I'm sure his intentions are good but if the host could tone down these things the podcast would be more enjoyable to listen to.
One of my all time favorites, and the best part is that it is such a long-running podcast you can find episodes on most places around the world. I like the similar questions Chris asks each time, along with allowing the convo to go in different directions/show the guest's personal twist. I was even a guest many, many years ago (Tampa Bay episode) and got to see Chris' interview style from that perspective--he does a great job making the guest comfortable and is very organized and efficient.Great for travelers and armchair travelers!
This is really superficial. I mean, of course a forty-minute episode on four European countries (even if they are microstates) has to be superficial. I learned that San Marino has 3 towers,. its own stamps and coins. I learned that there is still a cult about Princess Grace in Monaco, that people dress nicely for the casino or for lunch in one of the wealthiest countries in the world (what, really?).. and that's when I decided to unsubscribe. I had already listened to podcast on single destinations, some of which I know myself quite well, and even if they spend an entire podcast on one destination, you will get more information more quickly on wikipedia. Or, and here's an idea: go to a library and check out a tour guide. Honestly, this is too superficial even to give you a first idea. Waste of time generally. I do like the host, he's nice, the stars are solely for him, not his podcast.
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