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132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

Released Sunday, 27th April 2008
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132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

132 Eric Weiner and The Geography of Bliss

Sunday, 27th April 2008
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When self-described grump Eric Weiner took a year off from being an NPR correspondent to search for the happiest countries in the world he found some surprising reasons why people are content with the places they call home. Eric joins Rick to discuss what makes the Dutch, Swiss, Icelanders, East Indians, Thais, and even the Bhutanese happy with their lot in life. For more information on Travel with Rick Steves - including episode descriptions, program archives and related details - visit www.ricksteves.com.

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