Evening Everybody!,It's been a long time didn't see ya, wish you all very well.Welcome to my yearly vlog :PToday I want to talk about how's my trip and the story of living a bit in Singapore for 8 days and Japan for 15 days, and of course in Indonesia. FYI, this video was made in late December last year.In case you... more
Digitalise your business and put it online! Share informative and important information about your business to the world within just a day. It could be a personal profile, wedding website, event, or anything on your mind. Starts just from Rp 2.000k with free one year of web hosting and domain. Company Profile Website ... more
Digitalisasi bisnis Anda dan tampilkan secara online! Bagikan informasi bisnis Anda yang informatif dan penting kepada dunia hanya dalam sehari. Bisa berupa profil pribadi, situs pernikahan, acara, atau apa pun yang Anda pikirkan. Mulai dari Rp 2jt dengan gratis satu tahun web hosting dan domain.Website Profil Perusah... more
Interested in making OpenData platform such as Satu Data Indonesia? (data.go.id) or OpenData Jakarta (data.jakarta.go.id) well, congratulations you have come to the right place. Anyway, you can always check the demo at satudata.hadoi.id. Starts just from Rp 20.000k per year. The idea that some data should be freely av... more
Tertarik membuat platform OpenData seperti Satu Data Indonesia? (https://data.go.id) atau OpenData Jakarta (https://data.jakarta.go.id) nah selamat datang ditempat yang tepat. Oya, Anda selalu bisa cek demonya di http://satudata.hadoi.id. Mulai dari Rp 20jt per tahun atau bisa dinegosiasikan berdasarkan permintaan.Gag... more
Automation, be ready to embrace the modern advanced technologies with a variety of automation for your modern apps or information system. There are a lot of benefits of implementing DevOps on your applications and services. Such as the speed of delivery on releasing updates, new features or just fixing bugs on whole a... more
Otomatisasi, bersiaplah untuk menyambut teknologi canggih modern dengan berbagai otomatisasi untuk aplikasi atau sistem informasi modern Anda.Ada banyak manfaat menerapkan DevOps pada aplikasi dan layanan Anda. Seperti kecepatan penyampaian pada saat rilis pembaruan, fitur baru atau hanya memperbaiki bug pada seluruh ... more
No worries managing your server, everything from the hardware & software/OS requirements along with security, reliability, uptime, connection, backup, and speed of the most optimal server configuration based on the request or recommendation.Administrating server is our specialist for more than 5 years till this day. M... more
Tidak perlu khawatir mengelola server Anda, mulai dari hardware & software / kebutuhan sistem operasi, keamanan, keandalan, uptime, koneksi, backup, dan kecepatan. Anda akan mendapatkan konfigurasi server yang paling optimal berdasarkan permintaan atau rekomendasi saya.Administrasi server adalah spesialis kami selama ... more
Protect, secure, and connect your server to the world in the best Data Center in Indonesia, located in IDC 3D or Gedung Cyber. Unlimited bandwidth local with high-speed international connection and more than 99.9% uptime. Starts just from Rp 1.500k monthly.Here’s the offer:- Unmetered connection to IIX and OpenIXP- I... more
Lindungi, amankan, dan online-kan server Anda dengan Data Center terbaik di Indonesia yang berlokasi di IDC 3D atau Gedung Cyber. Bandwidth lokal tidak terbatas dengan koneksi internasional kecepatan tinggi dan uptime lebih dari 99,9%. Mulai hanya dari Rp 1,5jt setiap bulan.Fitur fitur yang kami tawarkan ke Anda antar... more
Publish your website online on the most reliable and high-quality server with SSD storage at a very reasonable price, starts from Rp 100k per year! Located in Singapore to guarantee the best connection access and 99.9% uptime.We have PREMIUM HOSTING and XCLUSIVE HOSTINGPREMIUM HOSTING is a cPanel based web hosting pa... more
Publikasikan situs web Anda secara online di server paling andal dan berkualitas tinggi dengan penyimpanan SSD dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau, mulai dari Rp 100rb per tahun! Berlokasi di Singapura untuk menjamin akses koneksi terbaik dan 99.9% uptime.Kami memiliki PREMIUM HOSTING dan XCLUSIVE HOSTINGPREMIUM HOS... more
I had a dream that Information Technology should be easy, everybody as a business or a person deserves better experiences for their services. Easy, efficient, speed, secure, reliable, modern, advance, automation, beautiful UI, and UX are the experiences I want to offer to you, either your requirements or my recommendat... more
Saya bermimpi bahwa Teknologi Informasi harus mudah, semua orang sebagai bisnis atau seseorang berhak mendapatkan pengalaman yang lebih baik untuk layanan mereka.Anda bisa cek informasi dan mendownload proposal selengkapnya dihttps://layanan.hadoi.idGratis konsultasi selamanya! Baik itu pemecahan masalah, dukungan ... more
Akasah #4 Thought on OctaFX Explorer & Setup Mirrorless Camera (Sony A6500) as a WebcamEvening my friends, I wish you all healthy today. Be happy as always, have a great weeks and enjoy your day to day activities. Today, I'd like to share my vlog episode 4, there are few crucial things happening to me along the way... more
Akasah #3 Earn money without forex trading by using Affiliate Marketing & Google AdsMorning morning everybody, I hope you all are doing great today. The best healthy conditions, still be happy as always, and enjoy your day to day activities. Today, I'd like to share my third vlog, there are few interesting things ha... more
Hello hello again everybody!Today, I'd like to share some stuffs that i've done. The most exciting one is playing with gimbal, learn and try new movements inspired from the youtube world, here are the links that I think is very practical for awesome moves:https://youtu.be/Tqntj0A27lshttps://youtu.be/k-x5OoRIsBIIn... more
Hello everyone, super happy today that we're still alive and be happy.This video is supposed to be 10 minutes summary of my almost 23 years, yet, life happened, you can enjoy the 30 minutes, or play it with forward button or you can just leave it, do whatever you want.From now on, I'll try to make one video a day i... more