An absurdly fun 'workplace' comedy. (Are they working hard or are they having so many difficulties that it's more hardly working?) Well performed and mixed, and at three episodes a season, it's a great listen for a previously slow/disappointing afternoon.
Its mix of clever writing and top-class voice acting had me snorting with laughter on quite a few occasions. To say something feels old fashioned, can often be seen as a negative - but all the way through the first season, I had the same feeling of quality I get listening to the timeless old radio comedies. Can't wait for more!
A superbly crafted workplace comedy about the hands which have guided history and, while bickering with coworkers, occasionally tripped and shattered it.
What a weird show, I LOVE it. I’m only on episode 3, but so far: Unique premise, good acting and endearing characters, and clear sound. Comedy audio dramas aren’t often my thing, but this one pulled me right in.