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True Tales of the Illuminati

Max Kreisky, Katherine Cargill, Eric Trageser

True Tales of the Illuminati

A Comedy and Fiction podcast

 15 people rated this podcast
True Tales of the Illuminati

Max Kreisky, Katherine Cargill, Eric Trageser

True Tales of the Illuminati

True Tales of the Illuminati

Max Kreisky, Katherine Cargill, Eric Trageser

True Tales of the Illuminati

A Comedy and Fiction podcast
 15 people rated this podcast
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I just discovered this silly podcast, and I can't wait for more episodes.
True Tales of the IlluminatiThanks Mignon! We're hard at work writing season 2 now!
An absurdly fun 'workplace' comedy. (Are they working hard or are they having so many difficulties that it's more hardly working?) Well performed and mixed, and at three episodes a season, it's a great listen for a previously slow/disappointing afternoon.
Wonderful fun! It reminds me of Fred from a pup makes Scooby Doo which should be the highest compliment. It's funny and yet amazing.
Its mix of clever writing and top-class voice acting had me snorting with laughter on quite a few occasions. To say something feels old fashioned, can often be seen as a negative - but all the way through the first season, I had the same feeling of quality I get listening to the timeless old radio comedies. Can't wait for more!
A superbly crafted workplace comedy about the hands which have guided history and, while bickering with coworkers, occasionally tripped and shattered it.
Really fun conspiracy office comedy. Can't wait for the next season...
What a weird show, I LOVE it. I’m only on episode 3, but so far: Unique premise, good acting and endearing characters, and clear sound. Comedy audio dramas aren’t often my thing, but this one pulled me right in.
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