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Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing success

Zee & Megs

Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing suc…

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast

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Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing success

Zee & Megs

Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing success

Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing success

Zee & Megs

Two girls, and their crazy journey to network marketing suc…

A weekly Religion and Spirituality podcast
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Has been playing RPGs since going in halvsies with his best friend on the the Mentzer Red box at 12 years old. Despite being involved in RPGs for almost 30 years he’s played very little as he is mostly the forever DM – but don’t worry, he loves it! As a DM Michael tends to be more story focused and has been known to fudge a die roll or two if it serves the greater story. He craves immersive role playing and dramatic character moments. Michael rarely does combat in his games, unless he does. And likely you’ll find a magic dagger at some point (and likely that’s it for magic items) and it’s best to never rule out time travel as the answer to the campaign’s central mystery. Besides RPGs, Michael is also growing into a Boardgame geek and is already a Movie Geek. And if you didn’t already know – he wants to be a writer. Michael is married to his high school sweetheart and has two minions that he hopes to bring up loving RPG’s as much as he does. ...More
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