Joining Christopher Pietroni for our sixth episode of the ‘Leadership Exchanged’ podcast is Kirsty McNeill, Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children. Kirsty is Labour’s parliamentary candidate in the Scottish target seat of Midlothian. She is also Chair of Our Scottish Future, the Civic... more
Joining Christopher Pietroni for our fifth episode of the ‘Leadership Exchanged’ podcast is Andy Street, the West Midlands Metro Mayor. Before being elected as the Conservative Mayor of the West Midlands in 2017, Andy had an extremely successful career at John Lewis, starting as a graduate and ending at the top of the... more
Joining Christopher Pietroni for our fourth episode of the ‘Leadership Exchanged’ podcast is Mark Lomas, Head of Culture at Lloyd’s of London, the world’s leading insurance market. Mark continues to break the mould in terms of employee stereotypes and recruitment practices across a wide range of sectors.In this episode... more
Joining Christopher Pietroni for the third episode of ‘Leadership Exchanged’ is Nöella Coursaris Musunka, an award-winning philanthropist and international model. Nöella is the founder and CEO of Malaika Foundation, based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which began as a school and has now grown into a community-dr... more
In this episode, I am joined by Carolyn Wilkins, a Professor at Birmingham Leadership Institute and a well-experienced public sector leader. Carolyn holds a wealth of experience across the local government, health and care and the wider public sector landscape. Carolyn has led as the Chief Executive Officer in numerous... more
Joining Christopher Pietroni for our first-ever episode of the ‘Leadership Exchanged’ podcast is Paul Richardson, a successful entrepreneur across sectors as varied as waste management, fashion, e-commerce and cyber security. Paul discusses his journey as a serial entrepreneur at just 18 years old in his father’s skip-... more
Could the world's biggest and most complex problems be solved if the right leadership approach was applied? Do we need to exchange current approaches to leadership for something new? Join Birmingham Leadership Institute for their new podcast, Leadership Exchanged, where Professor Christopher Pietroni will speak to gues... more
What will easing the Covid-19 lockdown will look like and what are the challenges we face?Listen to the first of the The Institute of Global Innovation series Living with the Pandemic where our experts will be sharing their research.The panel are: Prof John Bryson: Social distancing and why people are the problem. Prof... more
Join us for an exciting panel debate looking at the challenges we face in trusting social media.The debate, filmed on Thursday, 21 May, is hosted by journalist and presenter Ritula Shah, joined by:Anne McElvoy, Senior Editor of The EconomistWill Moy, Chief Executive of Full FactIsabel Oakeshott, political journalist an... more
Join us for a tour of the galaxy to discover how research here at the University of Birmingham relates to the Star Wars universe and discover why the Force is strong with our academics . . . Professor Scott Lucas, Department of Political Science and International Studies, and Dr Richard Langley, Department of Film and... more
Join us for a tour of the galaxy to discover how research here at the University of Birmingham relates to the Star Wars universe and discover why the Force is strong with our academics . . . Professor Finola Kerrigan and Dr Caroline Moraes from the Department of Marketing explore in depth the branding and marketing ar... more
Join us for a tour of the galaxy to discover how research here at the University of Birmingham relates to the Star Wars universe and discover why the Force is strong with our academics . . . Dr Luisa Orsini PhD, Senior Lecturer in Biosystems and Climate Change and PhD Students Muhammad Abdullahi and Niamh Eastwood dis... more
Join us for a tour of the galaxy to discover how research here at the University of Birmingham relates to the Star Wars universe and discover why the Force is strong with our academics . . . Prof Matthew Broome, Director of our Institute for Mental Health and Dr Jen Cummings, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitatio... more
In this first episode, experts Professor Scott Lucas and Amelia Morris discuss the question "All things considered, is the world really such a bad place?"
In this third episode of UNFILTERED, Professor Kiran Trehan (Director of WE-LEAD)and Andy Lee (Strategic Lead for Diversity in Business, Natwest) discuss the question "Why do we need more female CEOs?"
The 22 June marks 70 years since the arrival of the Empire Windrush at Tilbury docks. Fast forward to today, three generations later, the Windrush scandal is a stark reminder of this contested history of settlement, integration and exclusion throwing into question what Britishness really means.In this episode of UNFILT... more
There are witches among us! Why are all witches evil, old hags and wizards wise and wonderous?Professor Michaela Mahlberg and Dr Anna Cermakova discuss the language used in the wizarding world. Listen to a more indepth discussion into how J K Rowling has managed to help young people read more and why her fantasy world ... more
Professor Heather Widdows knows a thing or two about body image and our innermost desires, so we asked her what would we see reflected in the
Will aparating ever be possible? The answer is yes. And no!b Dr Nikk Effingham's area of expertise is time travel, so we asked him to unpick the riddle! Now listen to Dr Effingham discuss the challenges of moving through time with his colleague Dr Henry Taylor - and answer the question what has philosophy got to do wit... more
You don't have to watch a movie to discover fantastic beasts! They have walked this land already! Dr Stephan Lautenschlager introduces us to our very own fantastic beasts - from the huge to the tiny. Now discover more about the work of palaeobiologist Dr Lautenschlager and his colleague lecturer in micropalaeontology D... more
Why are these movies such a phenomenon? And why do we all enjoy being part of this magical world? We've have put these questions to Dr James Walters. Reader in Film and Television Studies. Dr Walters is joined by his colleague Dr Catherine Lester as they discuss whether this movie franchise can sustain itself and how c... more