READ: JOHN 1:12-13; ROMANS 8:15-30; 1 JOHN 3:1-5I look in the mirror and meet my gaze. Who am I? I can study my looks and see bits and pieces of my parents, and similarities to my siblings. I can remember my ancestors and where they came from and know that they are the reason I look the way I do. But beyond the way... more
READ: LUKE 12:13-48; 1 TIMOTHY 6:3-21Greed is a treacherous sin. But, because Jesus died on the cross for us and rose from the grave, we can be free from the power of every sin, including greed. As people who’ve put our trust in Jesus, we have His Holy Spirit living in us, so we have the power to reject greed—and n... more
READ: MATTHEW 6:19-34; PHILIPPIANS 4:4-20I am guilty of greed. It’s one of those sins that seems to keep popping up in my life, sometimes in the same old ways, sometimes in new and surprising ways. But I’m thankful that God keeps pointing out this sin to me as I read His Word. It’s uncomfortable, and sometimes down... more
READ: PSALMS 19:1-4; 148:1-14Have you ever looked around at nature and just felt in awe of how beautiful God’s creation is? God made a wonderful world, and He invites us to enjoy it with Him—from sunsets to ocean waves. Sometimes we’re so moved by the beauty around us, we can’t find the words to express how we feel... more
READ: JOHN 15:1-17Have you ever seen someone prune a tree or another plant—or done some pruning yourself? Pruning involves cutting off part of a plant so there can be new growth. As a gardener clips, cuts, or saws off branches, sometimes it looks like they’re trying to harm the plant rather than help it. But prunin... more
READ: PSALM 51:7; ISAIAH 1:18; EPHESIANS 2:1-9; REVELATION 19:6-9I squinted up at the castle as I waited for admittance to the feast. The King had to test all who came through, to see if they were worthy of acceptance. I was sure that I could get in; I hadn’t done many bad things in my life. I’d never murdered anyo... more
READ: LUKE 15Have you ever wondered why Jesus often spoke in parables? Parables are short, metaphorical stories that point to a deeper truth. They illustrate what Jesus was teaching, and they can also make biblical truths easier for us to understand.It’s kind of like the difference between eating a lime and eat... more
READ: PSALM 51; EZEKIEL 36:16–37:14; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17Remove from me this heart of stoneI know I’m more than these dry bonesCreate in me a heart that’s cleanA steadfast spirit willingRestore your joy unto meMorning mercies coveringRebuild the rubble heaped aroundA garden where new life is foundYou alone can... more
READ: PSALM 121; MATTHEW 11:28-30; 28:20During the coldest days of winter, it’s almost difficult to remember what summer is like—how we can go outside in just T-shirts and shorts, and still feel too warm. The sun beating down on us in the summertime makes us long for pools and ice cream and all sorts of things that... more
READ: PHILIPPIANS 4:8; JAMES 3:3-18Have you ever seen a place that’s been destroyed by a forest fire? Forest fires can cause miles of destruction, leaving nothing but the charred remains of trees in their wake. And all this damage can be caused by something as small as an unattended campfire. When the weather is dr... more
READ: ISAIAH 26:3-4; MATTHEW 28:20; ROMANS 8:35-39My husband lies in his hospital bed, asleep. He is recovering from open heart surgery. He needed a new valve, but first they had to break into the rib cage that protects his heart.My husband wasn’t too excited about that part. But he knew that if he wanted his h... more
READ: PSALM 90; 98; GALATIANS 6:14Isaac Watts (1674-1748) is considered the father of English hymn-writing. Today, many of his hymns are sung, known, and loved. But that wasn’t always the case. In fact, while he was alive, Isaac Watts was considered by some to be a disturber and perhaps even a heretic!Isaac Wat... more
READ: PSALM 136:1-9; ISAIAH 40:26-31; COLOSSIANS 1:15-20Twinkle, twinkle, little starHigh above, so very farOne of trillions, each in placeIn the vast expanse of spaceYet they can’t start to compareWith the God who put them thereWho formed planets with a wordAnd on each a name conferredA God all powerful ... more
READ: MATTHEW 26:26-46; 1 CORINTHIANS 11:23-26A layer of white lace covered my new pink and white dress. At twelve years old, I’d been anticipating this evening for a long time. It was the Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) when I would join church and be served my first Communion.Joining the rest of ... more
READ: MATTHEW 5:16; PHILIPPIANS 2:1-18; 1 JOHN 3:1Next time you see a full moon, try this: Grab a small coin, and go outside. Then, hold it out in front of you, close one eye, and see if you can cover the moon with the coin.Isn’t it strange that you can completely block out something as big, beautiful, and brig... more
READ: MATTHEW 6:25-34; MARK 14:32-36; 1 PETER 5:6-7"I need this recommendation to submit this application,” I told my parents. “And I need to submit this application now because the program might run out of spots.”“Hey, have you considered that you might be anxious?” my mom asked me. “This seems like something ... more
READ: GENESIS 1:26-30; PSALM 8If you’ve grown up in church, you’ve probably heard the account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. You know that God formed humanity out of the dust of the earth. But you may have been confused about the part where God created us in His own image. What does that mean?It’s true that we... more
READ: 1 CORINTHIANS 3:9; 12:1–13:7I held my breath and gently pressed my foot to the gas, driving up the icy road. Was my job worth dying for on my two-minute commute?I was needed at the Fire Department. Every January our firefighters select their vacation days for the year. This being my first year as a secret... more
READ: PROVERBS 28:13; ROMANS 7:21–8:2; 1 JOHN 1:5–2:2My friend and I share a community garden plot at our church. But in the middle of the summer, there was a week when neither of us was able to take care of it, so the garden ended up being a bit neglected. And the weeds were absolutely thrilled.So, I got to wo... more
READ: PSALM 33:12-20; 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-6; 1 PETER 2:9-17Do you pray for your country? No matter where you live, your nation needs prayer. We don’t need to pray for our country to be the best in the world, but we can pray that God will guide and bless our leaders so they can make wise, God-honoring decisions.The Bi... more
READ: PSALM 139I was tinyWhen You created meBut already thenYou made great plansthat would come to beYou saw me when I was dustLoved me already thenCalled me Your childKnow where I have ever beenI was so smallNo one else knew I existedBut You had a bookMy days, You had writtenFrom the tiny, small ... more
READ: JOHN 3:1-8; 13:33-35; 1 PETER 1:3, 23Have you ever had one of those moments when you realized you look a lot like your family? We’ve all inherited traits from our parents, like hair color, freckles, or height. And whether we were adopted or born into a family, we may also have other family traits, like facial... more
READ: JOSHUA 1:1-9; 3:7-17; 6:12-20; 23:1-11Have you ever read the book of Joshua? It starts right after Moses dies and the Israelites are finished wandering the desert for forty years. They’re finally ready to enter the Promised Land—the land of Canaan, which God had promised to give them generations ago. The begi... more
READ: PSALM 139:1-12; ISAIAH 65:24; ROMANS 8:26-37Intense tears blocked my vision. My soul felt like dust. I was unable to stop shaking.My father was in the next room. He was lying in his casket.One look had sent me running. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be. Dad could not be dead. Not my wonderful father... more
READ: MATTHEW 16:24-25; MARK 4:18-20; PHILIPPIANS 2:12-18We desire food, water, clothing, and shelter. We desire fulfilling relationships. Sometimes we desire knowledge, fame, or skill. Desire is a powerful thing. It is so deeply woven into the fabric of our being that it drives almost every facet of our lives.... more