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Up for Debate

Moody Radio Moody Radio

Up for Debate

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast

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Up for Debate

Moody Radio Moody Radio

Up for Debate

Up for Debate

Moody Radio Moody Radio

Up for Debate

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast
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Dec 30th, 2017
​What are the most misquoted, misused and misunderstood verses in Scripture? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys discusses that issue with you—and Dr. Michael Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham. What does it mean that money is the root of evil? What was Jesus’ intent when He commanded us not to judge? Is there re...
Dec 23rd, 2017
Are Christians susceptible to demons?  Or, since the Holy Spirit resides in us, are we automatically protected from them? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will explore the issue of demons and spiritual warfare with Karl Payne, a Christian leader and pastor with decades of ministry experience.  Also adding his...
Dec 16th, 2017
​Does doubt strengthen your faith – or undermine it?  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will tackle this difficult question with Houston Pastor Ben Young, who says doubt is unavoidable and can actually lead you to a deeper walk with God.  Challenging his perspective will be Moody Professor Bryan Litfin, who wa...
Dec 9th, 2017
​Christian women often feel torn between two visions of womanhood – one that tells them to adhere to strict sex roles and one that advocates obliterating sex roles altogether! This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss womanhood with Christian women from different stages of life and perspectives.  Also joi...
Dec 2nd, 2017
Can Christians embrace historic Christianity AND evolution?  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will explore this important issue with a scientist at Biologos – a main proponent of the view that Christianity and evolution are compatible.  Challenging this view will be Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute, w...
Nov 25th, 2017
The issue of modesty has become controversial.  Every time a new fashion craze hits, Christians debate whether they should be able to wear something more revealing or cover up.  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss the issue of modesty.  Joining her will be a Christian leader who believes modesty hig...
Nov 18th, 2017
Protestant Reformers recognized church discipline as a primary mark of a true church. Yet today, very few churches actually practice church discipline. And, many say church discipline simply opens the door to spiritual abuse. This Saturday on Up For Debate, Julie Roys explores the case for and against this practice – a...
Nov 11th, 2017
​​Is the earth billions of years old, or only several thousand?  Christians are sharply divided on the issue.  And this Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will explore the issue with Thomas Purifoy, the director of a new film that advances the young-earth view. Challenging his perspective will be Hugh Ross, founder ...
Nov 4th, 2017
The majority of Christians used to oppose alcohol.  But times are changing, and now some churches and Bible study groups actually meet in bars or bring the brew into their church halls!  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss this trend with the Reverend John Donnelly who started a "Beer, Bible and Bro...
Oct 21st, 2017
​Can church happen online? Or, as one author asserted, is going to church online like "watching the food channel and ​saying you've eaten Thanksgiving dinner"? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss online churches with Bob Hyatt, a pastor of the Evergreen Community who opposes virtual churches and Jas...
Oct 14th, 2017
Should there be a separation between church and state? It’s not in the Constitution, though it’s often treated as though it is. This Saturday, on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will explore the idea with a legal analyst at the First Liberty Institute who believes the separation of church and state is being used to undermine...
Sep 30th, 2017
Should Christians support Obamacare? Some say yes, arguing that the law made insurance affordable for millions of Americans. Others say no, claiming that the law places an undue burden on taxpayers, and provides for abortions. This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss the issue with Jim Wallis of Sojourne...
Sep 23rd, 2017
Record numbers of kids are leaving the faith – and many parents and church leaders are wondering what they should do to stem the tide. This Saturday, on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will explore what makes kids embrace faith with author Rebecca Lindenbach who’s interviewed dozens of Millennials who offer surprising answer...
Sep 16th, 2017
Did God send Hurricanes Harvey and Irma?  And if He did, what does it mean?  Is it a sign of His wrath or a wake-up call to us to realize that we need to submit to Him?  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss these storms with Line of Fire host Dr. Michael Brown who believes God is using these storms t...
Sep 9th, 2017
Did a woman write the book of Hebrews?  And if so, what would that mean?  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys discusses this highly controversial notion with author Latayne Scott whose recent book argues that Priscilla wrote Hebrews.  Challenging her view is David Allen of Southwestern Baptist Theological Semina...
Sep 2nd, 2017
Medical marijuana is legal in 29 states and in Washington, D.C. It's also being legalized recreationally in several states. So should Christians consider marijuana another tool in an arsenal against pain during an illness, or should they abstain? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss this issue with N...
Aug 26th, 2017
A debate over deciding between Christian and Secular colleges
Aug 19th, 2017
Is belief in Christ's resurrection merely a wishful belief – or a historical fact supported by the evidence? Former Chicago Tribune investigative reporter Lee Strobel used to believe the resurrection was a myth. That is, until he examined the evidence, which eventually led him to faith. A powerful movie called, "The Ca...
Aug 5th, 2017
How Should Christians Witness to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses?
Jul 29th, 2017
Abortion survivors share their stories.
Jul 22nd, 2017
Is yoga a healthy form of exercise - or a pagan practice steeped in Hinduism? On this episode of Up For Debate, Julie Roys will discuss the issue with Laurette Willis, the founder of Praise Moves, who says yoga is a gateway to New Age and Eastern Religions. Challenging her perspective is Bonnie Meyer, the founder of a ...
Jul 15th, 2017
Should Christian parents circumcise their sons? Certainly, it’s not required for salvation, but is it still a good practice? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss this important issue with Jewish believer and host of "Open Line", Dr. Michael Rydelnik. Also joining her will be a doctor with the Christi...
Jul 8th, 2017
Is it okay for pro-life advocates to go undercover and film abortion workers without their knowledge? What about crashing pro-choice marches? This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss methods of fighting abortion with Live Action Founder Lila Rose, whose undercover videos are exposing the abortion industr...
Jul 1st, 2017
Can Christians be nationalists?  Some say no because nationalism is ​inherently idolatrous. Others say yes.  There's nothing wrong with loving your country and putting its interests first, especially if your country is America and was founded on Christian principles.  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will dis...
Jun 24th, 2017
Should Christians carry a gun – or does doing so violate Christ’s command to turn the other cheek?  This Saturday on Up for Debate, Julie Roys will discuss this important issue with two leaders on opposite sides of this important issue.  Almost 16-million Americans have a license to carry a handgun.  And with the preva...
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